Along with Version 18.7 update’s new awakenings are… these buffs!
About new Combo Enhance awakenings
All New Evolutions

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 6099 (7089) | 7014 (8004) |
ATK | 2736 (3231) | 3146 (3641) |
RCV | 160 (457) | 184 (481) |


Active Skill: (12 ➧ 6) Inheritable
For 2 turns, reduce enemies’ defense by 75%; Change Water orbs to Fire orbs; Change Heal orbs to Dark orbs
Leader Skill: [4/256/1] [6M fua]
16x ATK and 2x HP for Dragon and God type; 3,000,000 additional true damage when matching 5 or more orbs

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 4586 (5576) | 5274 (6264) |
ATK | 2811 (3306) | 3233 (3728) |
RCV | 567 (864) | 652 (949) |


Active Skill: (12 ➧ 7) Inheritable
Change Fire orbs to Water orbs; Change Light orbs to Heal orbs; Change Jammer, Poison, and Mortal Poison orbs to Wood orbs
Leader Skill: [2.25/182.25/1, 75%] [+6c]
1.5x HP & ATK for Water Att.; Reduce damage taken by 50% when 8 or more combos; 9x ATK and increase combo by 3 when matching 5 or more connected Water orbs at once


Active Skill: (8 ➧ 8) Inheritable
For 1 turn, reduce damage taken by 75%; For 1 turn, 3x RCV; Change Water orbs to Fire orbs; Change Wood orbs to Heal orbs


Active Skill: (8 ➧ 8) Inheritable
For 1 turn, reduce damage taken by 75%; For 1 turn, 3x RCV; Change Wood orbs to Water orbs; Change Fire orbs to Heal orbs


Active Skill: (8 ➧ 8) Inheritable
For 1 turn, reduce damage taken by 75%; For 1 turn, 3x RCV; Change Fire orbs to Wood orbs; Change Water orbs to Heal orbs


Active Skill: (8 ➧ 8) Inheritable
For 1 turn, reduce damage taken by 75%; For 1 turn, 3x RCV; Change Fire orbs to Light orbs; Change Dark orbs to Heal orbs


Active Skill: (8 ➧ 8) Inheritable
For 1 turn, reduce damage taken by 75%; For 1 turn, 3x RCV; Change Wood orbs to Dark orbs; Change Light orbs to Heal orbs

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 2025 (3015) | 2329 (3319) |
ATK | 2386 (2881) | 2744 (3239) |
RCV | 671 (968) | 772 (1069) |


Active Skill: (18 ➧ 13) Inheritable
Recover all HP; Change the 2nd row from the top and the 2nd row from the bottom to Fire orbs
Leader Skill: [1/625/1]
10x ATK when all subs are Pixel Evolutions; 2.5x ATK for Fire Att. on the turn a skill is used

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 2065 (3055) | 2375 (3365) |
ATK | 2167 (2662) | 2492 (2987) |
RCV | 801 (1098) | 921 (1218) |


Active Skill: (18 ➧ 13) Inheritable
Recover all HP; Change the 2nd row from the top and the 2nd row from the bottom to Water orbs
Leader Skill: [1/625/1]
10x ATK when all subs are Pixel Evolutions; 2.5x ATK for Water Att. on the turn a skill is used

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 2245 (3235) | 2582 (3572) |
ATK | 2209 (2704) | 2540 (3035) |
RCV | 718 (1015) | 826 (1123) |


Active Skill: (18 ➧ 13) Inheritable
Recover all HP; Change the 2nd row from the top and the 2nd row from the bottom to Wood orbs
Leader Skill: [1/625/1]
10x ATK when all subs are Pixel Evolutions; 2.5x ATK for Wood Att. on the turn a skill is used

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 2533 (3523) | 2913 (3903) |
ATK | 1818 (2313) | 2091 (2586) |
RCV | 864 (1161) | 994 (1291) |


Active Skill: (16 ➧ 11) Inheritable
Recover all HP; Change the 2nd column from the left and the 2nd column from the right to Light orbs
Leader Skill: [1/625/1]
10x ATK when all subs are Pixel Evolutions; 2.5x ATK for Light Att. on the turn a skill is used

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 2718 (3708) | 3126 (4116) |
ATK | 1929 (2424) | 2218 (2713) |
RCV | 740 (1037) | 851 (1148) |


Active Skill: (16 ➧ 11) Inheritable
Recover all HP; Change the 2nd column from the left and the 2nd column from the right to Dark orbs
Leader Skill: [1/625/1]
10x ATK when all subs are Pixel Evolutions; 2.5x ATK for Dark Att. on the turn a skill is used
Evolution Materials
Card | Change |
Reincarnated Hino Kagutsuchi 転生ヒノカグツチ |
Active Skill: For 2 turns, reduce enemies’ defense by 75%; Change Water orbs to Fire orbs; Change Heal orbs to Dark orbs (12 ➧
Reincarnated Yamato Takeru 転生ヤマトタケル |
Active Skill: Change Wood orbs to Fire orbs; Change Dark orbs to Heal orbs; Change Jammer, Poison, and Mortal Poison orbs to Water orbs (12 ➧
Reincarnated Andromeda 転生アンドロメダ |
Active Skill: Change Fire orbs to Water orbs; Change Light orbs to Heal orbs; Change Jammer, Poison, and Mortal Poison orbs to Wood orbs (12 ➧
Reincarnated Perseus 転生ペルセウス |
Active Skill: Change Water orbs to Wood orbs; Change Fire orbs to Heal orbs; Change Jammer, Poison, and Mortal Poison orbs to Dark orbs (12 ➧
Reincarnated Burning Phoenix Knight, Homura 転生バーンフェニックスナイト・ホムラ |
Limitbreak stats buffed.
Reincarnated Torrential Fenrir Knight, Kamui 転生フラッドフェンリルナイト・カムイ |
Limitbreak stats buffed.
Reincarnated Ancient Dragon Knight, Zeal 転生エンシェントドラゴンナイト・セロ |
Limitbreak stats buffed.
Reincarnated Godly Knight of the Sky, Verche 転生スカイゴッドナイト・ヴァーチェ |
Limitbreak stats buffed.
Reincarnated Chaos Dragon Knight, Voice 転生カオスドラゴンナイト・ヴォイス |
Limitbreak stats buffed.
Shimmering Thunder Goddess, Hera Dragon 煌雷神・ヘラ=ドラゴン |
Active Skill: Create
Sorceress of Purging Light, Ars Nova 浄灯の魔導姫・アルス=ノウァ |
Sorceress of Sinister Flight, Goetia 邪翔の魔導姫・ゴエティア |
Reincarnated Krishna 転生クリシュナ |
Reincarnated Sarasvati 転生サラスヴァティ |
Reincarnated Vishnu 転生ヴィシュヌ |
Reincarnated Ganesha 転生ガネーシャ |
Reincarnated Durga 転生ドゥルガー |
Guardian of the Imperial Nation, Athena 帝国の守護神・アテナ |
Dark Paths Guardian Genbu, Meimei 暗路守の玄武・メイメイ |
Sky Splitting Marvelous Red Dragon Caller, Sonia 烈空の紅龍喚士・ソニア |