New Evolutions and Upgrades!
Lots of new buffs and evolutions!
New Evolutions
Coloring Book Menoa
Pixel Sitri
- AS – For 1 turn, great reduces Dark attr damage. Change Fire and Wood to Water. (5)
- LS – HP x2, ATK x5 if team are Pixels. ATK x4 for each Water cross.
Pixel Takamimusubi
- AS – For 1 turn, TE x3. Spawn 3 Fire and Water. (4)
- LS – No skyfall. HP x2 if team are Pixel. Attacking with FIre and Water ATK x22, RCV x2.
Pixel Nemain
- AS – For 2 turns, reduce enemies defense to 0. For 2 turns, void attribute absorb shields. (10)
- LS – HP x2, ATK x3 if team are Pixel. ATK x3, +1 combo for each Fire, Wood or Light cross.
Pixel Cthugha
- AS – For 2 turns, +2 combo, heals 50% HP. Haste 2 turns. (13)
- LS – Fixed 8 secs matching. HP x2 if team are Pixels. Increase ATK from 8 combo, up to 30x.
Pixel Balboa
- AS – For 2 turns, reduce enemies defense to 0. For 2 turns, halves damage taken. (9)
- LS – ATK x20 if team are Pixels. Attacking with Wood and Water halves damage taken, deals 500k fixed damage.
New Assist Evolutions – Ney
(different attribute of rows for each earring)
AS – Recover full HP, Binds and Awoken Binds. Change all orbs to Fire, Dark and Heart. (13)
AS – Recover full HP, Binds and Awoken Binds. Change all orbs to Water, Dark and Heart. (13)
AS – Recover full HP, Binds and Awoken Binds. Change all orbs to Wood, Dark and Heart. (13)
AS – Recover full HP, Binds and Awoken Binds. Change all orbs to Light, Dark and Heart. (13)
AS – Recover full HP, Binds and Awoken Binds. Change all orbs to Jammer, Dark and Heart. (10)
Super Reincarnated Neptune
Needs Eris’ Gem for evolution.
- AS – For 2 turns, Devil type and Attacker type ATK x5. Mortal poison all enemies. (15)
- LS – Water HP x2. God type ATK x10. Connecting 6 or more Water ATK x2, +2 combo.
Super Reincarnated Uriel
Needs Raziel’s Gem.
- AS – Change Light and Fire, Dark to Heart. Recover 50% HP. For 2 turns, Recover 50% HP. (8)
- LS – Fire HP/ATK x2. Reduce damage taken at >80% HP. Matching 2 Heart combo ATK x10, +2 combo.
Some were not shown on stream.
Card | Change |
Reincarnated Neptune 転生ネプチューン |
Active Skill: For
Reincarnated Uriel 転生ウリエル |
Active Skill: Change Light orbs to Fire orbs; Change Dark orbs to Heal orbs; Recover 50% of max HP; For 2 turns, recover 50% of HP (12 ➧ 8)
Reincarnated Gabriel 転生ガブリエル |
Active Skill: Change Light orbs to Water orbs; Change Dark orbs to Heal orbs; Recover 50% of max HP; For 2 turns, recover 50% of HP (12 ➧ 8)
Reincarnated Michael 転生ミカエル |
Active Skill: Change Light orbs to Wood orbs; Change Dark orbs to Heal orbs; Recover 50% of max HP; For 2 turns, recover 50% of HP (12 ➧ 8)
Magical Machinist, Menoa 魔導機士・メノア |
Leader Skill:
Magical Machinist of the Guiding Star, Menoa 星導の魔導機士・メノア |
Active Skill: For 1 turn, Jammer orbs are more likely to appear by 10%; Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Wood, Light, Dark, and Heal orbs (10 ➧
Leader Skill: Reduce damage taken by |
Magical Machinist of the Star Crusher, Menoa 星壊の魔導機士・メノア |
Active Skill: For 1 turn, Dark orbs are more likely to appear by 15%; Change the 2nd row from the top to Dark orbs (11 ➧
Leader Skill: |
Magical Machinist of the Avowed Thief, Menoa 天下の魔導機士・メノア |
Active Skill: Reduce HP by 50%; Change all orbs to Fire, Wood, and Heal orbs(11 ➧
Leader Skill: Reduce damage taken by |
Magical Machinist of the White Rainbow, Menoa 白虹の魔導機士・メノア |
Active Skill: Change all orbs to Water, Wood, and Light orbs; Change the far left column to Water orbs (14 ➧
Leader Skill: Reduce damage taken by |
Magical Machinist of the Sacred City, Menoa 聖都の魔導機士・メノア |
Active Skill: For 1 turn, 3x RCV and 3x ATK for Wood att.; Create 15 Wood and Heal orbs over any orbs (19 ➧ 14)
Leader Skill: Reduce damage taken by |
Great Witch of the Forest Cloak, Aljae 森衣の大魔女・アルジェ |
Active Skill: For 1 turn, recover HP by 50% and bypass void damage shield effects; Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Wood, Light, and Dark orbs (5 ➧ 5)
Leader Skill: |
Card | Change |
Mega Awoken Dark Angel Metatron 極醒の執行者・メタトロン |
Stat Changes
+1000 HP
(Now 5850 HP / 2640 ATK / 263 RCV)
Leader Skill: |
Mega Awoken Protecting Vials Goddess, Scheat 極醒の衛瓶神・シェアト |
Stat Changes
+500 ATK
(Now 4850 HP / 3450 ATK / 100 RCV)
Leader Skill: [No skyfall] |
Mega Awoken God Binding Wolf, Fenrir Viz 極醒の神葬狼・フェンリル=ヴィズ |
Active Skill: For 1 turn, Jammer orbs are more likely to appear by 25%; For 1 turn, increase movement time by 1 second (5 ➧ 1)
Leader Skill: 4.5x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when 6 or more combos; 5x ATK, increase combo by 2, and reduce damage taken by 25% when matching |
Super Reincarnated Bastet 超転生バステト |
Stat Changes
+500 ATK
(Now 5510 HP / 2575 ATK / 702 RCV)
Active Skill: For 3 turns, all attacks become mass attack; For 1 turn, increase orb move time by 2 seconds (9 ➧ |
Super Reincarnated Seraph Lucifer 超転生熾天使ルシファー |
Active Skill: Reduce HP by 50%; Deal 200x Dark damage to an enemy; Change the far left column to Dark orbs and change the far right column to Heal orbs (11 ➧
Leader Skill: |
Super Reincarnated Astaroth 超転生アスタロト |
Stat Changes
+250 ATK, +150 RCV
(Now 4034 HP / 2721 ATK / 1082 RCV)
Leader Skill: 2x all stats when all subs are Reincarnated or Super Reincarnated Evolutions; |
Light Guiding Star Machine, Orpharion 光の星導機・オルファリオン |
Active Skill: For
Leader Skill: |
Flash Machine Emperor, Another Crusader 閃機帝・アナザークルセイダー |
Stat Changes
+500 ATK
(Now 3002 HP / 2415 ATK / 350 RCV)
Active Skill: For 4 turns, 1.5x RCV and increase movement time by 1.5x; Change Jammer, Poison, Bomb and Mortal Poison orbs to Heal orbs (21 ➧ |
Dark Star Crusher Machine, Despharion 闇の星壊機・デスファリオン |
Active Skill: For 1 turn, Dark orbs are more likely to appear by 25%; Create 3 Dark and Heal orbs (22 ➧ 7)
Leader Skill: [No skyfall] |
Card | Change |
Blazing Shrine Maiden, Chiyome 紅焔の舞巫女・望月千代女 |
Active Skill: Change Light, Jammer, Poison, and Bomb orbs to Fire orbs (9 ➧ 5)
Blue Wind Ninja Princess, Hatsume 蒼扇の夜叉姫・初芽局 |
Active Skill: Change Dark, Jammer, Poison, and Bomb orbs to Water orbs (9 ➧ 5)
Gusting Prodigy, Sasuke 時津風の神童・猿飛佐助 |
Active Skill: Change Water, Jammer, Poison, and Bomb orbs to Wood orbs (9 ➧ 5)
Thunder Horn Master, Fuma Kotaro 轟雷角の頭領・風魔小太郎 |
Active Skill: Change Wood, Jammer, Poison, and Bomb orbs to Light orbs (9 ➧ 5)
Moonlit Shadow, Hattori Hanzo 朧月夜の幻影・服部半蔵 |
Active Skill: Change Fire, Jammer, Poison, and Bomb orbs to Dark orbs (9 ➧ 5)
Spring’s Red Sakura – Naginata 薙刀・春宵緋桜 |
Bellflower Iwashimizu – Dance Fan 舞扇・桔梗石清水 |
Sarutobi’s Secret Scroll 猿飛の秘伝書 |
Fuma’s Battle Surcoat 風魔の陣羽織 |
Lonely Moon’s Glow – Ninjato 忍刀・朧孤月 |