[Event] PAX West 2019 Event!

8/26 (Mon) 12:00am - 9/8 (Sun) 11:59pm PST

Yet another better late than never post. An event to promote PAX West 2019, where GungHo NA staff will be!

In fact, the Executive Producer of PAD series, Mr. Kazuki Morishita will be there for photos with fans, on 8/30 (Fri) – 9/1 (Sun) at Seattle, Washington at PAX West 2019! Take photos if you’re there, I won’t be there to see it!

This event is based off these JP events:

All times below are UTC-8.

Daily: 7 Magic Stones!

Duration: 8/27 (Tue) – 9/2 (Mon)

7 Magic Stones daily for 7 days! Also means 49 Magic Stones!!! (So remember to login!)

Daily Lil’ Snow Globe Dragons x 3!

Duration: 8/26 (Mon) – 9/1 (Sun)

3 Lil’ Snow Globe Dragons per day, in a dungeon! Clear daily for Magic Stone.This is a total of 7 Magic Stones and 21 Lil’ Snow Globes!

One of five Lil’ Snow Globe Dragons will appear in each battle, not predetermined.

Daily TAMADRA x3!

Duration: 9/2 (Mon) – 9/8 (Sun)

3 TAMADRA per day, that’s 21 TAMADRA plus 7 Magic Stones waiting!

PAX West 2019 Special! Dungeon Arrives

Duration: 8/30 (Fri), 12:00 PM – 9/2 (Mon), 11:59 PM

See separate post for details.

Skill Delay Resist TAMADRA invading selected Rush Dungeons!

100% chance on Annihilation floor, high chance on Mythical+ floor!

Date (12am ~ 11:59pm (UTC-8))
8/27 (Tue) ~ 8/28 (Wed) Super-Ultimate Machine Rush!
8/29 (Thu) ~ 8/30 (Fri) Special Descended Rush!
8/31 (Sat) ~ 9/1 (Sun)

Super-Ultimate Norse Rush!

New Dungeon for +Points: Emerald City’s Star Treasure!

See separate post for details!

26 Stamina cost for selected dungeons!

For a limited time, these dungeons will cost only 26 stamina!

Date (12am ~ 11:59pm (UTC-8)) Dungeon
Part 1: 8/30 (Fri) ~ 9/1 (Sun)
Part 2: 9/6 (Fri) ~ 9/8 (Sun)
+Point Cave (Normal Dungeon)
From 8/26 (Mon) to 9/8 (Sun)
(12am ~ 11:59 PM (UTC-8))
Monday Monday Dungeon
Metal Dragon Infestation
Tuesday Tuesday Dungeon
Ruby Dragon Infestation
Wednesday Wednesday Dungeon
Sapphire Dragon Infestation
Thursday Thursday Dungeon
Emerald Dragon Infestation
Friday Friday Dungeon
Gold Dragon Infestation
Saturday & Sunday Weekend Dungeon

6x Rank EXP from Descended Dungeons!

Duration: 8/26 (Mon) – 9/8 (Sun)

Date (12:00 AM – 11:59 PM (UTC-8))
Card Dungeon
8/26 (Mon) Thoth & Sopdet Descended!
8/27 (Tue) Jord Descended!
8/28 (Wed) Dragon Zombie Descended!-Dragon Enhanced
8/29 (Thu) Heimdallr Descended!
8/30 (Fri) Noah Descended!-All Att. Req.
8/31 (Sat) Surtr Descended!-All Att. Req.
9/1 (Sun) Zhou Yu!!-All Att. Req.
9/2 (Mon) Hel Descended!
9/3 (Tue) Diagoldos Descended!
9/4 (Wed) PAD Z Collab
9/5 (Thu) Aegir Descended!-7×6 Board
9/6 (Fri) Jörmungandr Descended!
9/7 (Sat) Zeus & Hera Descended!
9/8 (Sun) Hephaestus Descended!

6x Rank EXP from selected Technical Dungeons!

Duration: 8/26 (Mon) – 9/1 (Sun)

Dungeons: Technical Dungeon stages 1-1 to 1-10, 2-1 to 2-11, and EX1-1 to EX1-8.

5x Rank EXP in Multiplayer! Ultimate Arena-No Continues

Duration: 9/2 (Mon) – 9/8 (Sun)

7x Rate of Diamond Dragon Fruits!

Duration: 8/29 (Thu) – 9/8 (Sun)

Need Diamond Dragon Fruits? Time to farm some up!

This affects top floor of Thursday Dungeon and the same dungeon under All-Days Dungeon!

All-Days Dungeon Returns!

The All-Days Dungeon will be available during the following days, for you to get all the weekday dungeons:

  • 8/31 (Sat) – 9/1 (Sun)
  • 9/7 (Sat) – 9/8 (Sun)

Experience of 5 Lifetimes!

Duration: 8/26 (Mon) – 9/8 (Sun)

During the event you can earn 5 x 200,000 EXP (so that’s 1,000,000 EXP) from the one-time dungeon!

Bring Leaders such as Saline or Ganesha for an EXP Bonus!

7x Skill-Up and Fusion Bonuses

Duration: 8/26 (Mon) – 9/8 (Sun)

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