[NA only] Seasonal Ladies Egg Machine & Limited-Time MP Shop Lineup!

3/20 (Fri) 12:00am - 3/25 (Wed) 5:00pm PST

NA exclusive machine?? Your favorite seasonals return in a machine, instead of Godfest! 5 Magic Stones per roll!


Full lineup & rates

5 Magic Stones per roll.

 ★9  | 1% each, 3% total

 ★8  | 1.5% each, 6% total

 ★7  | 2% each, 10% total

 ★6  | 7.5% each, 30% total

 ★5  | 8.7% each, 43.5% total

Limited-Time Monster Point Shop Lineup

Duration: 3/20 (Fri) 12:00 AM – 3/25 (Wed) 5:00 PM (UTC-8)

Some of the seasonals that (you forgot to buy before) return!

500,000 Monster Points
[3222] Crimson Orchid Black Witch, Xiang Mei
300,000 Monster Points
[2533] Excursion Dancing Goddess, Amaterasu Ohkami [New]
[2512] Holy Night Red Dragon Caller, Sonia
[2407] Mistress of the Old Castle, Kali

6 Replies to “[NA only] Seasonal Ladies Egg Machine & Limited-Time MP Shop Lineup!”

  1. This is a trap, right? I’d love an HMadoo, but 1%… Plus artifact dragon and orb skin SGF coming soon.

    1. This is most definitely a trap. Sure it is half the price, but the rates to get anything good are drastically lower than an SGF. One the things to keep in mind as well, is that even the nine stars get 1.5% rates in seasonal SGFs. Meanwhile, eight stars usually maintain the 2% rates they have in their seasonal REM. In all honesty, it almost feels better to just roll their individual seasonal REMs, especially since more cards are going to be added, and there are not to many must haves amongst the lower rarity anyway. Of course, if you have even a few of the top rarity cards, this is a clear skip.

  2. While the top rarity pulls are appealing, the rate of getting something bad is much higher than pulling an 8 or 9 star. Definitely would skip. I think if they made it 10 stones and 7* or higher then maybe more people would roll but this is a hard skip as someone who has NY Yomi, VIdeal, and BZela.

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