[Event] Android Version 7-Year Anniversary Event!
Right after anniversary is more… anniversary. This time for Android version of PAD! The actual anniversary date is September 18 though, so we’re a bit early!
Funny enough, along with the anniversary is incompatibility with the newest version of Android…. haha.
Daily Dungeon: Lil’ Snow Globe Dragons x 3!
Duration: 9/9 (Mon) 12am – 9/23 (Mon) 11:59pm JST
Daily dungeon for 15 days, with 3 random Lil’ Snow Globe Dragons in the dungeon, and 15 Magic Stones total!
Daily Magic Stone!
Duration: 9/9 (Mon) 4am – 9/24 (Tue) 3:59pm JST
A Magic Stone a day, 15 Magic Stones total!
Special Dungeon: Big thanks for 7-Year Anniversary!
Duration: 9/18 (Wed) 4am – 9/23 (Mon) 3:59pm JST
Starts on anniversary day is a one-time clear dungeon! Dungeon contains these gifts:
- All 5 attributes of Snow Globe Dragons
- Super Snow Globe Dragon
- 7-Year Anniversary TAMADRA
Dungeon JP name: 7周年の感謝をこめて!
Special Pal Egg Machine Lineup: 7-Year Anniversary Selects Carnival!
Duration: 9/20 (Fri) 12am ~ 9/27 (Fri) 11:59pm JST
Special lineup at the PEM with goodies including Super Snow Globe Dragon
, Zahhak’s Gem
, Grand PreDRA
, and more!
Full lineup TBA.
Special Dungeon: Puzzdroid!
Duration: 9/18 (Wed) 12am ~ 9/23 (Mon) 11:59pm JST
From collab with Google Play is a gift dungeon that we get yearly – Mysterious Visitors (未知の来訪者)! A Puzzdroid
will be waiting for you!
Clearing this will also give 1 Magic Stone,
297 +Points,
25,000 Pal Points!
10 Magic Stones per roll! Seasonal Super Godfest!
Ranking Dungeon: 7-Year Anniversary Cup 2!
Limited-Time: True Training Arena!
Special Dungeon: 7-Year Anniversary Challenge!
New Descended Dungeon: Senri Descended!
7x Rank EXP for selected Normal Dungeons!
Duration: 9/9 (Mon) 12am – 9/17 (Tue) 11:59pm JST
- Stages 1-1 (Departure Tower) to 3-14 (Legendary Earth)
5x Rank EXP for Multiplayer Ultimate Arena!
Duration: 9/9 (Mon) 12am – 9/15 (Sun) 11:59pm JST
4x Rank EXP for Ultimate Arena!
Duration: 9/16 (Mon) 12am – 9/23 (Mon) 11:59pm JST
All-Days Dungeon available!
The All-Days Dungeon will be available during the following days, for you to get all the weekday dungeons:
- 9/14 (Sat) 12am – 9/15 (Mon) 11:59pm JST
- 9/21 (Sat) 12am – 9/23 (Mon) 11:59pm JST
Half Stamina for Weekday Dungeons!
Duration: 9/9 (Mon) 12am – 9/23 (Mon) 11:59pm JST
Half stamina required for Metal dungeons on weekdays, and weekday dungeons. Also applies to All-Day Dungeons!
Experience of a Lifetime
Duration: 9/9 (Mon) 12am – 9/23 (Mon) 11:59pm JST
During the event you can earn 200,000 EXP from the one-time dungeon! It’s also available twice this time! Bring Leaders such as Saline or Ganesha for an EXP Bonus!
7x Skill-Up and Fusion Bonuses
Duration: 9/9 (Mon) 12am – 9/23 (Mon) 11:59pm JST