[Event] Puzzle and Dragons New Life Event!
April is when many Japanese have “new life“, since that’s when people graduate and new jobs start! In general Japan has a lot of “new life” campaigns, and PAD is doing it too! Featuring freebies.
Free 50 Magic Stones!
Duration: 3/22 (Fri) 4am – 4/8 (Mon) 3:59am JST.
Login any time during this period for 50 Magic Stones delivered directly into your in-game mailbox!
Daily Pal Points!
Duration: 3/22 (Fri) 4am – 4/8 (Mon) 3:59am JST.
- Daily 5,000
Pal Points for 17 days, 85,000 Pal Points in Total!
New Life One-Time Bundle!
Availablity: 3/22 (Fri) 12am – 4/7 (Sun) 11;59pm JST.
A special 85 Magic Stone + New Life Support Set will be available in the Magic Stone shop during this time period!
Costing 5000 yen (US$ 44.8), It features the following:
- 85 Magic Stones
- New Life Support Festival Limited Gacha
- King TAMADRA x5
- Super Snow Globe Dragon x5
- Rainbowpy x5
Note: All monsters pulled from the Limited Gacha will be Max Lv, Max Skill, Max Awoken, and +297!
New Life Support Quest Dungeons!
Duration: 3/22 (Fri) 12am – 4/7 (Sun) 11:59pm JST
A special set of 10 Quest Dungeons will appear during this time. Each dungeon will reward 1 Magic Stone. Clearing all 10 floors will grant the player 10 Magic Stones and 1 Event Medal – Rainbow!
Special New Life Support EXPerience of a Lifetime!
Duration: 3/22 (Fri) 12am – 4/7 (Sun) 11:59pm JST
A special EXPerience of a Lifetime Dungeon will be available during the event, and will reward 5 times the normal amount of EXP!
Take leaders such as Saline or Ganesha into the dungeon for a boost to this bonus!
Special Pal Egg Machines for 2 weeks!
Two special Pal Egg Machines will take place during the event:
3/22 (Fri) 12pm -> 3/29 (Fri) 11:59am JST – Extreme Evo Carnival will feature Large Gems series, including Large Fire Gem
.3/29 (Fri) 12pm -> 4/5 (Fri) 11:59am JST – Extreme Tamadra Carnival with King Tamadra
added to lineup. 500 Pal Points per pull!
this event will only occur in japan?
NA will get it… eventually. 🙂
NA poverty server so probably