[From Stream] New Evolutions and Buffs – Selected Angel 2, Yog-Sothoth, and Freyja!
New evolutions and buffs from the stream! Super Reincarnated Freyja and Mega Awoken Yog-Sothoth, yay!
Buffs from Stream
From Iwai and Max Murai’s REM rolls on stream, these random rolls are buffed!
Card | Change |
Armored Red Storm Knight, Delgado 紅嵐の鎧騎士・デルガド |
Stat Changes
+200 HP
(Now 2855 HP / 1418 ATK / 225 RCV)
Active Skill: Deal 100000 fixed damage to an enemy; For 2 turns, 2.5x ATK for Balanced type (15 ➧ |
Endless Era Sorcerer, Wee Jas 永世の魔術師・ウィジャス |
Stat Changes
+100 RCV
(Now 2213 HP / 1054 ATK / 604 RCV)
Active Skill: Delay enemies for 1 turns; Remove all awoken skill binds; Change the bottom row to heal orbs (16 ➧ 12) |
Twilight Sorcerer, Chester 黄昏の魔術師・チェスター |
Stat Changes
+200 HP
(Now 2805 HP / 1410 ATK / 172 RCV)
Active Skill: Reduce enemies’ HP by 10%; Reduce unable to match orbs effect completely; Change Jammer, Poison orbs to Heal orbs (12 ➧ 8) |
Double-Edged Blade Brave, Claymore 両刃剣の勇士・クレイモア |
Stat Changes
+100 ATK
(Now 2601 HP / 1850 ATK / 300 RCV)
Leader Skill: |
Reincarnated Okuninushi 転生オオクニヌシ |
Stat Changes
+100 ATK
(Now 6235 HP / 1841 ATK / 84 RCV)
Active Skill: Delay enemies for 2 turns; For 2 turns, 1.5x ATK for Dark Att. and 1.5x orb move time (15 ➧ 11)
Leader Skill: 4x ATK when 6 or more combos up to 10x at 10 combos; 2.5x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when matching 2+ Dark combos |
Double-Edged Blade, Claymore 両刃剣・クレイモア |
Stat Changes
+100 ATK
(Now 2601 HP / 1850 ATK / 300 RCV)
Active Skill: Change own Att. to Fire for 1 turns; For 1 turn, 1.5x ATK for Attacker type (10 ➧
New Cards

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 4199 (5189) | 4829 (5819) |
ATK | 2620 (3115) | 3013 (3508) |
RCV | 783 (1080) | 900 (1197) |

Active Skill: For 3 turns, 2.5x ATK for Wood, Dark Att.; For 3 turns, 2.5x RCV; Charge allies’ skill by 1 turn
(16 ➧ 12)
Leader Skill: 4x ATK & RCV and 1.5x HP for Wood Att.; 3x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when matching 5 or more connected Wood orbs
[2.25/144/16, 43.75%]

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 6558 (7548) | 7870 (8860) |
ATK | 2335 (2830) | 2802 (3297) |
RCV | 233 (530) | 280 (577) |

Active Skill: Change all orbs to Light, and Heal orbs; Recover all HP; Remove all binds and awoken skill binds
(20 ➧ 16)
Leader Skill: 6x ATK when above 50% HP; 4x ATK & RCV when below 49% HP; 3x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when matching 2+ Light combos
[1/324/16, 43.75%]

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 4261 (5251) | 4687 (5677) |
ATK | 2221 (2716) | 2443 (2938) |
RCV | 399 (696) | 439 (736) |

Active Skill: For 1 turn, reduce damage taken by 50%; Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Wood, and Dark orbs
(12 ➧ 8)
Leader Skill: 2.5x ATK & RCV for Dark Att.; Increase orb movement time by 2 seconds; 6x ATK when matching 6 or more connected orbs up to 8x at 8 orbs
[_playlist type=”video”][_track caption=”Super Reincarnated Freyja” src=”https://f002.backblazeb2.com/file/miru-data/padimages/animated/5857.mp4″ ][_track caption=”Mega Awoken Yog-Sothoth” src=”https://f002.backblazeb2.com/file/miru-data/padimages/animated/5858.mp4″ ][/_playlist]
Evolution Materials
Freyja requires Vidar’s Gem, from a new descended dungeon that is live on 1/1 (Wed).
Card | Artist |
安達洋介 (Yosuke Adachi) |
[Misc.] First impression of Yog
Source: @ymr3642
Typo (or misplaced) on Ariel who is actually Ruel.
Weird, thought I fixed it but I guess I never saved it. Done!
Freja’s animations is so bad! The eagle’s wings beside her are so choppy! GungHo has usually made nice animations.
Sad that Yog didn’t keep his Multiboost… I would’ve liked to have the best of both worlds, getting 2x 7c + VDP and also Multiboost. I always thought that the Lovecraftians were supposed to have Multiboost since all 5 of them have it.
and to the person saying they wish they kept the multiboost.. it would just make things to easy. For actully over a year a now basically since we got VDP, they gimp the monster for multiplayer. So many monsters have there VDP in there SA, making them pretty unusable for multiplayer. As such, we don’t really play multiplayer anymore as a direct result. Farming collabs and such to save stam, but really hard arenas.. postings have died down since zkitty I’d say. It’s really a little tragic. I mean Gungho coudl’ve given all the zelas a 7c SA and swap a VDP for one of her regular, and that team would be very useable for multiplayer. I’m just happy the fact that they are bringing non SA vdp to YOG. They have to take this stuff one step at a time. I really think that would be like WAY too op. I mean how much stats do you need for mutliplayer, you’r already getting more of the important things for having 2 players. To be able to destroy everything one shot, have double the amount of actives AND also now that we have alot of cards getting full resistance in there actual skill set and not just SA. That’s a tremendous amount of inherits freed up from otherwise inherits that would we need to use for resist. Many many cards have tape and cloud as SA. This balanced out multiplayer because you need more inherits and you have them between two people. I think the mulitiboost would be too much
Yeah but when you’ve spent 3k over the last 6 years getting all the meta characters its nice to have one thats easy to use and kills every thing one shot Yog is hard to roll. I rolled my first one in 2017 and hes been my go to guy ever since!! Its taken me 2 years and 200 stones to roll another one in the recent players choice godfest
So any time they want to give me more powerfull options im game
and if you want multiboost just keep one with multiboost and evolve the other one to MEGA👍👍
I didn’t know he was in the same fam as the lovecrafts thoguh. That makes sense, he fits right in. Him and his Red counter part right? Thats very interesting
They come in all different colors except purple still waiting on the purple
and as for frejia’s animation… yea the first half it is.. is like are they even trying anymore. But then the second half I thought is really quite beautiful and makes up 😀
Oh It keeps not taking my first comment I finally figured out why. Lol cuz I said that YOG looks like a ckn drowning or taking a huge something else that it probably doesn’t want me to write on this page. You beat me to it already with your pic though ofc Reni 😀
Just to note, “Vidal” should be “Vidarr”, half-brother of Thor who kills Fenrir and survives Ragnarok.