Full Details of New Fes. Exclusive: Detective Shelling Ford!
Earlier in the morning we got the teaser, now the details on the new detective!
Shelling Ford?
Detective Shelling Ford (名探偵シェリング・フォード) is a character designed by Gosho Aoyama (青山剛昌, creator of Detective Conan. Wikipedia), for collaboration with Chrono Ma:Gia’s current manga, where the newest volume will be released on April 18! Initially it was only in Chrono Ma:Gia, and now spreading to PAD as a Godfest Exclusive.
[ Link (Shonen Sunday, JP) | Chrono Ma:Gia version 2.4.0 update ]
Featured in upcoming Godfest!
New card
From official Twitter:


Stat | Lv.99 | +297 |
HP | 4150 | 5140 |
ATK | 1590 | 2085 |
RCV | 1120 | 1417 |
Active Skill: Unlock all orbs; Change Water, Dark orbs to Wood orbs
(13 ➧ 8)
Leader Skill: 2x HP & ATK for Wood Att.; Increase orb movement time by 2 seconds; 6x ATK when matching 2 Wood combos, up to 10x at 4 Wood combos


Stat | Lv.99 | +297 |
HP | 4500 | 5490 |
ATK | 3240 | 3735 |
RCV | 22 | 319 |
Active Skill: For 1 turn, bypass void damage shield effects; Charge allies’ skill by 2 turns
(30 ➧ 30)
Leader Skill: 2x HP & ATK for Light Att.; Increase orb movement time by 2 seconds; 3x ATK when matching 3 or more colors up to 9x at 5 colors
Note: Damage void bypass effect from this active will not override damage absorb or color absorb bypass effects. (Source)


Stat | Lv.99 | +297 |
HP | 5260 | 6250 |
ATK | 2360 | 2855 |
RCV | 325 | 622 |
Active Skill: Unlock all orbs; Create 5 Fire and Heal orbs
(10 ➧ 10)
Leader Skill: 2x HP & ATK for Fire Att.; 8x ATK and increase combo by 1 when matching 5 or more connected Fire and Heal orbs at once
[_playlist type=”video”][_track caption=”Base form” src=”https://f002.backblazeb2.com/file/miru-data/padimages/animated/5234.mp4″ ][_track caption=”L/x Shelling Ford (Ult. Evo.)” src=”https://f002.backblazeb2.com/file/miru-data/padimages/animated/5235.mp4″][_track caption=”R/x Shelling Ford (Ult. Evo.)” src=”https://f002.backblazeb2.com/file/miru-data/padimages/animated/5236.mp4″][/_playlist]
thanks for the translation, hyped for the vdp on active skill ! quick question for the Leader skill on the fire one, is it fire + heal or just one of the two ?
Both Fire and Heal, actually. Let me fix that misleading comma!
(Comma is the theme today eh…)
owkey thanks, this leader skill looks really wierd
Is it really bypass void damage shield? Well that’s new.