Magic Stones are the game’s premium currency and can be earned in-game or purchased through microtransactions. To earn them, you can do the following: clear all floors of a dungeon for the first time, log in during events, or collect from Cumulative Login Bonuses.

Uses of Magic Stones

You can use Magic Stones in many ways, but some are better than others depending on where you are in the game!

1. Rolling the Rare Egg Machines

Most common use is to roll egg machines, which require five or more Magic Stones. This includes the normal machine (REM), seasonal machines and collab egg machines. Rolling serves as one of their main uses, as developing your box by adding more options allows the player to clear more difficult content and/or simply try a larger variety of different leaders/teams.

2. Increasing Box Capacity/Friend Slots

Initially, you start out with a hundred spaces in your box and fifty spots on your friend list. You can increase these by spending Magic Stones. Each stone will increase your box space or your friend list by five slots. Box space has no practical cap, but your friend list can only have a maximum of three hundred slots. You won’t be able to get any more friend invites while it’s full, so make sure to check it occasionally. 

Note that North American version can now watch a video (advertisement) every 12 hours to increase box space.

3. Stamina Refreshing

You can spend one stone to refill your stamina bar. If you had any stamina before the refresh, it will be added on top of the refresh. It is not recommended for NIAP (or free-to-play) players to do this. Stamina refreshes are typically used to run time-sensitive content, such as Ranking Dungeons.

4. Stoning For Continues

Whenever you fail a dungeon, the game will ask if you wish to use a Magic Stone to continue if it is allowed. Continuing will refill your health, reset the board, and clear debuffs. However, it is typically better to avoid spending stones to continue. Instead, use a stone for more stamina to try it again for more efficient use of stamina.

It’s important to say however, that you should not be wasteful with your stones. This applies to both IAP and NIAP players. Stones are a vital part of the game because they allow you to acquire new characters, along with expanding your account. As such, it is advised that you save as many stones as you can, and use them only when needed.

Note: If you really feel that you can clear a difficult Limited Time Dungeon (such as a One Shot Challenge) by stoning for a continue just once instead of refreshing your stamina and trying again, then it is okay to consider doing so.

As mentioned before, we recommend that you do not stone in general.

See also