Monster Points (MP) are currency earned through selling cards or rewarded from certain quests or events. These points can be used to purchase cards in the Monster Point Shop (which is accessed by going to Shop
Purchase Monsters).
The maximum amount of Monster Points you can have is 9,999,999 MP.
Monster Points are very limited; therefore, they should be spent with care. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind before spending MP:
New Players: NEVER Buy Evolution Materials/TAMADRA/Latent TAMADRA
The cost for these cards do not match their worth; it is always better to farm them up when you can. The only time it is justifiable to buy evolution materials or TAMADRA with MP is if you are short and need to evolve a certain card for a Limited Time Dungeon that is about to disappear. Otherwise, just save your MP.
Think Before You Buy
The worthwhile cards in the Monster Point Shop are all over 100K (with some reaching as high as 750K), so it’s essential that you think carefully before buying cards. Examine your box and research what each card is useful for and see which would be most beneficial to you. If all else fails, saving is a good option!
Don’t Be Afraid To Ask
If you’re new and have enough MP to buy one of the 300K or 750K Monster Point cards, but not sure of which one to buy, reach out for help! The community is always glad to give advice.