A super resolve is a mechanic that protects enemy spawns from dying when above a certain percentage of HP, much like a resolve; however, what makes it “super” is that instead of surviving at 1 HP, a hit that would normally kill the enemy spawn will leave it standing at a certain health percentage as specified by the super resolve itself. For example, Nimue
, in her respective descend, has a super resolve that enables her to survive with 50% HP, even if she takes damage over that amount. Usually, a specific move set triggers after breaking the super resolve.
However, much like a resolve, a secondary source of damage that is strong enough to wipe out the remaining amount of health after the super resolve will effectively allow players to “one-shot” the spawn; however, due to the nature of super resolves, this is not always possible (unlike with regular resolves). An example of this is Alcyone
in Illusory World of Carnage, who has a 1% Super Resolve that can be overcome with a secondary source of damage that deals more than the 300K HP she survives with (i.e. a strong follow-up attack from a leader such as Remu
or activating at least four SFUA
at once with a box of hearts will finish off Alcyone before she can make a move).
The mechanic first debuted in Arena 6 (Incarnation of Worlds) on Aten, a possible enemy spawn on F4.