
[March 14 only] White Day Gift Dungeon!

It’s White Day in Japan! As part of the current event, pick up a Super Snow Globe Dragon and a 1 Magic Stone! March 14 only!

Note: 3/14 only, because it’s White Day in Japan, where guys buy chocolate in return for girls who gave them chocolate on Valentine’s day.

Note #2: Last year it was a random Snow Globe Dragon, this year’s better!

5 Replies to “[March 14 only] White Day Gift Dungeon!”

    1. I’ve been putting events to Saturday now since collab posts are Friday nights my time, and takes a ton of time to write (most of what you guys see aren’t even on official news pages). There’s only me working on posts, and I have a life too!

      1. Ah okay understood 😄 sorry if i sound like pushing 😣 and thanks for your hardwork as usual Reni 😊

        1. No worries, I wanna make sure people know I’m also making sure I don’t get sick too!

          (Also this new event’s name is… taking me more time to decide how to translate without ambiguity. LOL.)

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