[Misc.] JP Player Dacho, Currently Hospitalized

Popular Japan PAD player Dacho has been hospitalized due to facial paralysis, since Dec. 30th.

Many players around the world follow him for for Ranking Dungeon strategies, but of course health is more important. He will not be producing any videos this time.

(Hope everything is daijoubu.)

The Better News

While he’s recovering, he rolled in the “Maybe a Ney” gacha on Jan. 1, and actually got a Ney! Crazy luck, hopefully speedy recovery too!

5 Replies to “[Misc.] JP Player Dacho, Currently Hospitalized”

    1. In a tweet earlier, he mentioned he left the hospital yesterday. It should fully recover in 2 months but he should be back with more videos soon. 🙂

      1. <3 awww

        I saw a video on his youtube channel last night that looked like it game information on it but I had no idea what was going on in it.

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