[Misc] Monster Point Store Godfest Exclusive: Other Servers’ Results

As we all know, JP server got Yog-Sothoth for Monster Point Store back in February. Korea and North America servers just got theirs announced!

Korea (KR) Server

Updated yesterday was KR server’s next event, which revealed their voting results!

Fujin was the winner!

North America (NA) & Europe (EU) Servers

Just today, NA had an official stream on Twitch. Learning from JP server, NA/EU servers voted together and chose Cotton as their winner with “overwhelming number of votes”! It’s a Cotton explosion everywhere now!

As a NA player myself, I’m really proud of everyone who voted for Cotton (not that the other choices are bad, but Cotton is the most useful to more people, especially in duplicates)!

This is the current state of PAD subreddit:

Paulo (one of our moderators on PDX) made this, using an Evangelion background image:

I went ahead and had some fun too! (I’m a NA main after all!)
