More Awakening Buffs For next Update!

Earlier it was announced that VDP and Killers were getting buff. This time, L and cross is also receiving massive buff in the upcoming update!

Awakening Buffs

Awakening Change
1.7x 2.2x ATK per match
2.5x 3x ATK per match

Card Buffs

Card Change

Dark Sword Dragon Knight God, Sherias’ Brooch
Change att. to / 
+3766 ATK

Greatsword Cobalt Conqueror, Royal Oak’s Timepiece
Change att. to /
+8080 ATK
For 2 turns, +0.3x +0.5x ATK per L Attack awakening in team; Charge allies’ active by 2 turns

13 Replies to “More Awakening Buffs For next Update!”

    1. you are actually right. 2.2×2.2 is less than 1.7^3
      I still prefer less slots used by L’s though. 1 L is enough. I’d rather have slots for a cross, sub att change, sb, full hazard resist, team HP, 7c instead of an extra L

      1. The difference is 4.84 vs 4.913. Really hardly a difference. However they added attack stat to that equip also. Alot of attack stat. Since your probably only ever going to use that on a blue team, it’s stronger the equip now. Not weaker

        1. depends more on the atk of other sub members but you are obviously a schizoid redditard whos gonna think they are right no matter what.

          go talk to a wall on reddit or discord

          1. I get that you’re trolling and all, but you’re right about Reddit lol. That’s why I no longer use it.
            It’s full of people acting like their opinions are always right (e.g. saying that brick awakenings are bad when they can clear all content.) And many other bad takes.

  1. Ha more power for blue fiegan (spelled wrong on purpose) Just what Qlillian needs 😀 Blue fiegans weakness is definitely his damage scaling ability. Hopefully this helps alleviate that need

    1. I hate the whole blocked words and phrases on PAD. I often have to type like a tard to send a message since they won’t allow words following other words if it can combine to make a banned word.
      Also, trying to search for certain monsters can be a PIA. Lol.

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