Multiple Events Delayed, Including Heroine Series Story Dungeon!
Very unfortunate news, but understandable with the current worldwide situation.
Featured image: @zarathustra008
Heroine Series Story Dungeon delayed
Due to some required brush-ups (details not mentioned), the actual implementation date will be delayed until further notice. (Originally scheduled for March)
They are very sorry to keep everyone waiting, and knows everyone is looking forward to it. “Please wait a little longer”
(it’s okay, can’t be as long as DMC collab wait…)
心待ちにしてくださった皆様には申し訳ございませんが、今しばらくお待ち下さいますようお願いいたします。#パズドラ— pad_sexy パズル&ドラゴンズ公式 (@pad_sexy) March 18, 2020
Current events delayed
For the first time in ages, some current events that are supposed to start this week are delayed, and no start/end times shown now. This includes:
- Event #5: Some event that was supposed to give rewards (Originally starts tomorrow, 3/19)
- Event #6: Fresh Beginning Challenge Dungeons (Originally starts on 3/20)

Personal thoughts: These are probably effect of COVID-19. Let’s all be understanding and hope everything is daijoubu (ok).
To all readers: Keep yourself safe and clean, stay indoors and play PAD, and don’t panic buy (and also don’t panic-buy Magic Stones).
I wonder if this will affect NA aswell at some point.
this would be a great time for NA to catch up to JP.
Unless NA also runs into similar problems, which… looking at news now, not impossible.
It definitely could. A lot of people are excited for heroine story dungeons but seeing as we haven’t even gotten Odin story yet, it might not be coming out for quite awhile. Still I want them to all stay safe and healthy during this event.
Since everyone is stuck home because of COVID, would be cool that they’d just accelerate stamina refresh to like 2 min for the duration of this hell.
when we need games more than ever…