New Assist Evolutions for Greco-Roman 1 Series!

Have you been waiting for these?

Note about Eris Dragon

Eris Dragon is a new Monster that will be an invade at the new, permanent daily arena (the Monday one). See this post for details.

Eris Dragon’s Gem will be added to the Monster Exchange lineup permanently. That’s needed for the evolutions below.

New cards

[7541] Minerva’s Bracelet (Assist Evo)

Active Skill: For 2 turns, reduce enemies’ defense to 0; For 2 turns, bypass void damage shield effects (16 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

[7542] Neptune’s Bracelet (Assist Evo)

Active Skill: Becomes Team leader; changes back when used again; For 2 turns, 5x RCV; For 2 turns, 5x ATK for Water att. (22 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

[7543] Ceres’ Bracelet (Assist Evo)

Active Skill: For 4 turns, recover 30% of HP; Fully recover unmatchable, bind, and awoken bind effects (10 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

[7544] Venus’ Bracelet (Assist Evo)

Active Skill: Enhance Light orbs; Unlock all orbs; For 1 turn, 1.5x move time; For 1 turn, 1.5x RCV (3 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

[7545] Hades’ Bracelet (Assist Evo)

Active Skill: For 2 turns, bypass damage absorb effects; Reduce enemies’ remaining HP by 25%; Fully recover unmatchable effects (18 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

15 Replies to “New Assist Evolutions for Greco-Roman 1 Series!”

  1. bracelets, earings, necklaces, and broocjes? when do the prince albert assists get released?

    1. base form Zuoh, Raizer, or Earthquake can work. I bet AA Lucifer low key could have a PA or at least a nipple piercing.

    2. More seriously, circlets, rings, armlets, and girdles are probably somewhere out there.

      1. june bride already gave us rings 🙂

        a lot of these jewelry equips feel lazy to me. like opposed to nice artwork of a weapon or dragon which we got with Dyer or Zeus Gigas’ lighting bolt, we get a recycled template with a little window showing more recycled art

  2. If GH doesn’t have the equips for the Japanese God series be magatama I am going to rage quit.

        1. I’m still saving stones for when NA gets its My Hero Magademia collab. Wall-Might for the win

      1. I’m hoping you are just joking and not completely stupid. But just so no one else confuses my comment as relating to your nonsense. A Magatama 勾玉、is a mystical jewel from Japanese mythology. You can see them in the art of various cards and Sumire’s first equip. Or just google it.

    1. Probably in the next few months, we should be expecting SenriDra and the Japanese 1 equips.

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