New Descend Dungeon: Odin Dragon Descended! (Assist Invalid)
3/21 (Mon) 12:00pm - 3/27 (Sun) 11:59pm JST
Sources Official site
The second dragon from the MP dragon series to get a srevo
About the dungeon
- Fix leader and fix helper
- Difficulty: Annihilation Plus (絶壊滅級) only
- If it’s the same, 5x Skillup rate on debut!
First clear rewards
Dungeon Floor (Non-3P) | First Clear Reward |
Annihilation Plus | Event Medal – Rainbow x 1 |
New cards
Super Reincarnated Odin Dragon (Srevo)
God / Dragon / Balanced

God / Dragon / Balanced

Active Skill: [1] Fully recovers HP, unmatchable, bind and awoken bind status; Charge allies’ active by 2 turns; Evolve skill to stage [2] (17 max CD)
[2] Fully recovers unmatchable, bind and awoken bind status (6 max CD)
Leader Skill: 2.7x all stats when team total rarity is 35 or below; 8x ATK, slightly reduce dmg taken and +3 combo when wood and heart attack at once
Wow dem some nice lookin green apples.
I want to bounce around in that dragons green backyard. Fresh