New evolutions for Gilgamesh, Yamato Takeru, and Kushinadahime!
New evolutions for Gilgamesh (not the Fate one), Yamato Takeru, and Kushinadahime!
Card | Change |
Reincarnated Kushinadahime 転生クシナダヒメ |
Active Skill: For 1 turn, reduce damage taken by 75%; For 1 turn, increase combo count by
Reincarnated Yamato Takeru 転生ヤマトタケル |
Active Skill: Change Wood orbs to Fire orbs; Change Dark orbs to Heal orbs; Change Jammer, Bomb, Poison, and Mortal Poison orbs to Water orbs (12 ➧
Super Reincarnated Andromeda 超転生アンドロメダ |
Active Skill: Change Fire orbs to Water orbs; Change Light orbs to Heal orbs; Change Jammer, Bomb, Poison, and Mortal Poison orbs to Wood orbs (12 ➧
Reincarnated Perseus 転生ペルセウス |
Active Skill: Change Water orbs to Wood orbs; Change Fire orbs to Heal orbs; Change Jammer, Bomb, Poison, and Mortal Poison orbs to Dark orbs (12 ➧
Courageous Demigod of Resolution, Gilgamesh 果敢の勇王神・ギルガメッシュ |
Active Skill: Change the far right column to Fire orbs; For 1 turn, bypass damage absorb and att. absorb shield effects (25 ➧ 12)
New Evolutions
Gilgamesh (UUvo)
God / Attacker / Physical
Active Skill: Change right-most column to Fire orbs; For 1 turn, bypass att. absorb and damage absorb effects (12 max CD)
Leader Skill: 4x ATK and reduce damage taken by 50% when matching 5+ connected Fire or Wood orbs; ATK increase when matching 4+ combos, up to 6x
Yamato Takeru
Super Reincarnated Yamato Takeru
God / Physical / Attacker
Active Skill: Change Wood orbs to Fire, Dark orbs to Heal orbs; Change Jammer, Poison, and Bomb orbs to Water orbs (6 max CD)
Leader Skill: 1.5x HP & ATK for Fire att.; Reduce damage taken by 50% when matching 8+ combos; 9x ATK and increase combo by 3 when matching 5+ connected Fire orbs
* Evolution requires Gawain’s Gem.
[7041] Super Reincarnated Kushinadahime
God / Dragon / Healer
Active Skill: For 1 turn, greatly reduce damage taken; For 1 turn, increase combo by 2 (7 max CD)
Leader Skill: [No Skyfall Combos] 6x ATK and reduce damage taken by 50% when matching 7+ combos; 3x ATK & RCV and deal 3,000,000 fixed damage when matching Wood and Heal at once
* Evolution requires Senri’s Gem.
Evolution materials
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They violated Kushinadahime
What do you mean?
Damn just rolled kushinadahime in NA, and this SR is leaving much to be desired
SRevo Kushinadahime’s leader says “dela” instead of “deal”: “dela 3,000,000 fixed damage …”
relax bud
its not that big of a dela
Kushinadahime looks like shes wearing a UFO covered with fish netting on her head what’s next i dont want to know im horrified🤮🤮🤮
That is racist. What she is wearing is an ancient Japanese garment.
Describing the looks of clothing is not racist.