New Evolutions for Hestia, Baal, U&Y, Artemis, and more!
Card | Change |
Reincarnated Artemis 転生アルテミス |
Active Skill: Change Fire and Heal orbs to Wood orbs; For
Reincarnated Umisachi & Yamasachi 転生ウミサチヤマサチ |
Active Skill: Unlock all orbs; Change Fire orbs to Water orbs; Change Heal orbs to Dark orbs; Change Jammer, Bomb, Poison, and Mortal Poison orbs to Wood orbs; Recover
Awoken Hestia 覚醒ヘスティア |
Active Skill: For 1 turn, no skyfall; For 1 turn, 2.5x RCV; Change all orbs to Fire, Wood, Light, and Heal orbs(11 ➧ 7)
Awoken Uranus 覚醒ウラノス |
Active Skill: For 1 turn, no skyfall; For 1 turn, 2.5x ATK for Dark att.; Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Dark, and Heal orbs(11 ➧ 7)
Awoken Aife 覚醒オイフェ |
Active Skill: Unlock all orbs; Remove all awoken skill binds; Remove unmatchable orb status; Change all orbs to Water, Wood, and Light orbs(14 ➧ 10)
Awoken Lugh 覚醒ルー |
Active Skill: For 1 turn, bypass att. absorb and damage absorb shield effects; For 1 turn, 2x orb move time (22 ➧
New Reincarnation Evolutions
Reincarnated Aife
Active Skill: Remove all unable to match orb, awoken skill bind status; Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to Water Wood and Light orbs (10 max CD)
Leader Skill: Reduce damage taken by 50% and deal 3,000,000 damage when matching 2 or more Water combos; 17x ATK and reduce damage taken when 6 or more combos
Reincarnated Lugh
Active Skill: For 1 turn, bypass damage absorb shield effects; For 1 turn, bypass attribute absorb shield effects; For 1 turn, 2x orb move time (12 max CD)
Leader Skill: [No Skyfall] Increase combo by 3 when matching 5 or more connected Light orbs; 17x ATK and reduce damage taken by 50% when matching 5 orbs in L shape
Reincarnated Hestia
Active Skill: For 1 turn, no skyfall; For 1 turn, 2.5x RCV; Change all orbs to Fire, Wood, Light, and Heal orbs (7 max CD)
Leader Skill: 2.4x All stat for Fire and Light Att.; 8x ATK and increase combo by 1 when matching Fire and Light
Reincarnated Uranus
Active Skill: For 1 turn, no skyfall; For 1 turn, 2.5x ATK for Dark Att.; Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Dark and Heal orbs (7 max CD)
Leader Skill: 2.4x All stat for Water and Dark Att.; 8x ATK and increase combo by 1 when matching Water and Dark
New Super Reincarnation Evolutions
Super Reincarnated Baal
Active Skill: For 4 turns, immense Light counterattack; Change Water, Jammer, Poison, and Mortal Poison orbs to Light orbs (5 max CD)
Leader Skill: 2x All stat when all subs are Reincarnated or Super Reincarnated Evolutions; 9x ATK and reduce damage taken when matching Light and Heal orbs
Super Reincarnated Umisachi & Yamasachi
Active Skill: Unlock all orbs; Change Fire orbs to Water orbs; Change Heal orbs to Dark orbs; Change Jammer, Poison, and Mortal Poison orbs to Wood orbs; Recover HP by 80% (8 max CD)
Leader Skill: 20x ATK and reduce damage taken when matching Water, Wood, Light and Dark orbs; Reduce damage taken by 50% and increase combo by 3 when matching 2 or more Water combos
Super Reincarnated Artemis
Active Skill: Change Fire and Heal orbs to Wood orbs; For 8 turns, Wood orbs are more likely to appear (8 max CD)
Leader Skill: 1.5x HP for Wood Att.; Reduce damage taken by 50% when matching 2 or more Wood combo; 15x ATK and deal 1,000,000 damage when 7 or more combos
Evolution Materials
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Thanks for the translations! Lugh has the wrong art!
Annnd fixed! Thanks!
Yesss!! Artemis XD and uranus, they al look good tbh
Uranus looking like Aizen
Is “immense Light counterattack” a new tier? or has the wording been used before?
Same wording as Revo Baal, actually. We don’t always remember the exact NA translation lol
Which should be the same as SRVO Anubis, correct?