New Monthly Limited Exchange Available – May
This is the second month of the monthly exchange, and this time we have Amaterasu Dragon and Metal Antares!
About the exchange
Here are the materials needed for the exchange:
New Cards

Dragon / God / Healer

Active Skill: [1] Fully recovers unmatchable, bind and awoken bind status; Charge allies’ active by 2 turns; Evolve skill to stage [2] (18 max CD)
[2] Fully recovers unmatchable, bind and awoken bind status; For 2 turns, reduce dmg taken by 50% (6 max CD)
Leader Skill: 2.4x all stats when all rarities in team are different; 13x ATK and reduce dmg taken by 50% when fire and light attack

Machine / God / Attacker

Active Skill: [1] Unlock all orbs; Change heart to fire orbs; Fully recovers HP; Charge allies’ active by 2 turns; Evolve skill to stage [2] (18 max CD)
[2] Create a 3×3 block of Fire orbs (3×4 block if 7×6 board) (3 max CD)
Leader Skill: 4.8x HP and 5x ATK when all rarities in team are same; 5x ATK and deals 5,000,000 fix dmg when matching 9+ connected fire orbs
Thank you
Karyu you are a beast, thank you
Why 10 of the dungeon drops? Its so time consuming to have to farm. Its 500 stam just to gett all of the dungeon bosses for an exchange and an hour of my time
co-op with an alt and send the drops over to your main :^)
nah, I value my time too much. I’d rather jerk off or something than grind pad grind fest exclusives in my free time.