New Ordeal Evolutions Coming – Ceres and Ares


Karyu is taking a break for couple weeks so I will be making posts for a bit.

Edit: Added buffs for Super Reincarnated Ares and Ares’ Bracelet as those buffs came out a day after the ordeal evolution news.

New Evolution

[10759]// Fertility Deity of the Transcendence, Ceres
God / Healer

Active Skill: Remove all binds and awoken skill binds; Reduce unable to match orbs effect by 9,999 turns; For 5 turns, recover 30% of max HP; Enhance all orbs (5 max CD)

Leader Skill: Reduce damage taken by 77% when matching 2+ Wood combos; 33x ATK when matching 2+ Wood combos; Increase combo by 4 when matching 2+ Wood combos; 3x RCV for God type

Skill animation:

[10760]// War Deity of the Divine Transcendence, Ares
God / Attacker

Active Skill: For 1 turn, 2x HP; For 1 turn, this monster’s damage cap becomes 8,000,000,000; For 1 turn, the board becomes 7×6; Unlock all orbs; Change Water and Wood orbs to Fire orbs (4 max CD)

Leader Skill: Reduce damage taken by 75% when matching 2+ Fire combos; Increase combo by 4 when matching 2+ Fire combos; 40x ATK when matching 3+ Fire combos; 1.1x HP for God type

Skill animation:


Card Change

Super Reincarnated Ares
Increase LB stats

Active Skill: For 8 turns, Fire orbs are more likely to appear by 15%; For 8 turns, reduce damage taken by 35%; Unlock all orbs; Change Water and Heal orbs to Fire orbs (7 max CD)
3x 5x ATK & RCV for Fire Att.; Increase orb movement time by 2 seconds; 5x 7x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% 75% when matching 2+ Fire combos; Increase combo by 1 3 when matching 2+ Fire combos

Ares’ Bracelet
Active Skill: For 8 turns, Fire orbs are more likely to appear by 15%; For 8 turns, reduce damage taken by 35%; Unlock all orbs; Change Water and Heal orbs to Fire orbs (7 max CD)


4 Replies to “New Ordeal Evolutions Coming – Ceres and Ares”

  1. Thank you Jax! Ares looks pretty good and i’m quite surprised to see Growth awakening on a card outside Bartender collab. nice

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