Operating system support changes in regards to 8-Player PvP Game Mode

Featured image: by @Moesann17

As announced in the 9th Anniversary Stream, there will be a 8-Player PvP (Player vs. Player) game mode coming. As more update contents are coming, it is hard for some older OS and hardware to be capable of running future PAD versions.


The following OS version and hardware will not be able to play the 8-Player PvP game mode as mentioned:

Operating system

  • Android OS 7.0 or below


  • Fire HD 8 / Fire 7 / Fire HD 10 / Fire HD 8 Plus

It is recommended you update your OS version to more updated versions or changing into hardware that is capable of future PAD version updates by October 2021.

7 Replies to “Operating system support changes in regards to 8-Player PvP Game Mode”

  1. Looks like I won’t be playing PvP lol. My phone is way to old to handle it and don’t see a reason to upgrade just to play the PvP version of PAD. I’m still running Android version 6.0.1. Hopefully there aren’t many things locked bebind playing the PvP mode.

    1. Me too, I was afraid I can’t play PAD on IP6. I don’t really care for new iPhone but new games require new IP but why? Cause they want more money. Im a basic guy just need it for YouTube and search news.

      1. PAD sent out a tweet on the NA region one as well saying something to the effect of that people will need version Android 7 or higher soon to play the game. I’m not upgrading my phone because, I have no use for a newer phone. I’d have to sit and think and see if a tablet would be worth getting for myself (Galaxy Tab A are like $160).
        I put a lot of time and money into the game (rank 1022 and spent a lot over the years) so I don’t want to just abandon my account. I’ll wait and see for now, unfortunately I may just buy a Tab A just to play a mobile game lol.

    1. Its only being removed from t he amazon app store. You can still side load PAD onto the tablet, but I’m assuming no app store means no IAP.

      1. You can always use an apk file to download the Google Play Store and do it that way if you still want IAP.

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