6周年企画!6ヵ月連続イベント 4月!

PAD 6 Year Anniversary – Non-Stop Events of April!! (Updated 4/30 – Final Gacha!)

All of April!
Details (JP): 6 Year Anniversary Events – April

This month’s specials! Daily Gachas, April Quests, and dungeon bonuses!

Update (4/30): Final Gacha announced – Godfest Gacha #2!

Update (4/19): More of the Daily Gachas announced!

Update (4/10): More of the Gachas announced! Also updated the format.

Daily Egg Machine!

Many gachas everyday, again!!

Daily Gacha Schedule

4/01 (Sun) - Machine Descended Gacha
4/02 (Tue) - Snow Globe Dragon Gacha
4/03 (Wed) - Latent Killer Gacha
4/04 (Thu) - Rare Material Gacha
4/05 (Fri) - Number Dragon Gacha
4/06 (Sat) - Devil Descended Gacha (1)
4/07 (Sun) - Egyptian Descended Gacha
4/08 (Mon) - Py Gacha
4/09 (Tue) - Stat Enhance Latent Gacha
4/10 (Wed) - Orphalion Parts Gacha
4/11 (Wed) - Snow Globe Dragon Gacha 
4/12 (Thu) - Toy Dragon Gacha 
4/13 (Fri) - Godfest Gacha (starts at 12pm) 
4/14 (Sat) - Rare Material Gacha 
4/15 (Sun) - Latent Killer Gacha
4/16 (Mon) - Py Gacha 
4/17 (Tue) - 6★ Color Dragon Gacha (Uvo Ripper dragons) 
4/18 (Wed) - Assist Gacha 
4/19 (Thu) - Stat Enhance Latent Gacha 
4/20 (Fri) - Rare Material Gacha
4/21 (Sat) - Py Gacha
4/22 (Sun) - Stat Enhance Latent Gacha
4/23 (Mon) - Zeus Descended Gacha
4/24 (Tue) - Snow Globe Dragon Gacha
4/25 (Wed) - 5* Healer Girl Gacha
4/26 (Thu) - Devil 2 Gacha
4/27 (Fri) - Killer Latent Gacha
4/28 (Sat) - Chinese Descended Gacha
4/29 (Sun) - Dragon King Gacha
4/30 (Mon) - Godfest Gacha 2!!

Gacha Lineups

List formatting updated!

Gacha Lineup
Godfest Gacha 1 See this Godfest.
Godfest Gacha 2 See this Godfest.
Machine Descended Awoken Machine Athena, Another Justice, Another Crusader, Another Geist, Star Justice, Cosmos Crusader, Awoken Deus Ex Machina, God Canopus, Demon Hadar, Liberty Geist
Snow Globe Dragon Super Snow Globe Dragon, R/B/G/L/D Snow Globe Dragons (Lv. Max). 
Killer Latents All 8 killers. God, Dragon, Devil, Machine, Balanced, Attacker, Physical, Healer Killer Latent Tamadras
Rare Material Ancient Tri-God Mask, Jewel of Creation, Diamon Dragon Fruit, R/B/G/L/D Jewels, Pixelit
Number Dragon Dark, Fire, Water Zaerogs, Lifive, Ilsix, Sevenzard, Deightros, Nineguruda, Valten, Wangren, Beyzul, Threedia, Defoud
Devil Descended 1 (All highest evolutions) Beelzebub, Dragon Zombie, Agni (both colors), Grisar, Gravis, Indigo
Egypt Descended (All highest evolutions) Sopdet, Thoth, Medjedra, Khepri, Serket, Sphinx
Py Rainbow Py, R/B/G/L/D Pys
Stat Boost Latent All stats, HP+, ATK+, RCV+, Time Extend+ Latent Tamadras
Orpharion Parts Head, both arms, both legs
Toy Dragons The five Toy Dragons (★6)
★6 Color Dragon (Ripper Dragons) (Uvo form, Lv. 1) Hurricane Volcano Dragon, Blast Aurora Dragon, Generate Earth Dragon, Tornado Holy Dragon, Cyclone Devil Dragon
Assist Assist evolutions of the following: Siegfried, Cu Chu, Valkyrie, Pirate Zaerog, Samurai Zaerog, Starling, Gigas, Vampire
Zeus Descended Uvo Zeus Dios, Awoken Zeus Olympios, Awoken Zeus Stratios, Uvo Zeus Vulcan, Uvo Zeus Mercury, Awoken Machine Zeus
★5 Healer Girls ★5 versions of Echidna, Siren, Alraune, Angel, and Lilith. All Lv. 1.
Devil Descended 2 (All highest Evo) Satan, Cauchemar, Scarlet, Aamir, Mephisto, Theurgia, Ars Paulina, Armadel
Chinese Descended L and D XuanZang, L and D Fagan, Zhao Yun, Sha Wujing, Zhu Baijie, Zhang Fei, Guan Yinping, Zhou Yu
Dragon King Uvo of the following: z8, Gainaut, Volsung, Linthia, Nordis
Not in Gacha list this time:
Yamato Descended (All highest Evo) Kaguya-hime, Awoken Mechanical Goemon (!), Izanami (both L and D), Goemon, Hinomitsuha, Wadatsumi, Kuramitsuha, Kanetsugu, Tengu, Takeminakata, Yamatsumi, Takemikazuchi
Norse Descended Valkyrie Rose (★8), Jormungandr (★7), Hel (Evo), Awoken Jord, Awoken Aegir, Awoken Surtr, Awoken Heimdallr, Uvo R/G/B Golems
Hera Descended Divine Queen Hera, and Uvo of the following: Hera-Is, Hera-Ur, Hera Beorc, Hera Sowilo, Awoken Machine Hera

6 Year Anniversary – April Quest Dungeon!

Prize this month is Academy Sakuya! All quest dungeons are co-opable.

See here for April Quests Dungeons!

Special Bonuses at Normal/Technical Dungeons!

Bonuses at Normal and Technical dungeons!

Half Stamina for all Normal Dungeons!!

3x EXP at Technical Dungeons!

4/1 (Sun) 12am – 4/15 (Sun) 11:59pm JST
Dungeons included:

  • All dungeons from Fertile Land (豊穣の大地) to Hill of Iris’s Rainbow (イーリスの虹の丘)
  • All dungeons from Forbidden Tower [No L. Skill] (封印の塔【リーダースキル無効】) to Tower of Blazing Fire [No RCV/5×4 board] ( 猛炎の塔【回復なし/5×4マス】)

Half Stamina at Technical Dungeons!

4/16 (Mon) 12am – 4/30 (Mon) 11:59pm JST
Dungeons included: 

  • All Alt. (裏・) dungeons (excluding Alt. Ultimate Arena)
  • Mythic Stone Dragon Cave (魔石龍の大洞窟)
  • The God-King’s Floating Garden (神王の空中庭園)

Originally posted on March 30, 2018.

2 Replies to “PAD 6 Year Anniversary – Non-Stop Events of April!! (Updated 4/30 – Final Gacha!)”

    1. Don’t think so for PAD Academy! 🙁

      Edit: WAIT they just gave out a free roll in mail. There is free roll!

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