[PAD/PADR] Monster Memory Set #5 Coming Soon, Featuring Agito-Dio!

Remember real life gacha? Shown in CoroCoro magazine is the upcoming 5th set of Monster Memories, featuring the PADR event descend boss, Agito-Dio!

From CoroCoro magazine

Source: Twitter, from @Mutekix9677. Key information here is that the new Monster Memory Set #5 is available on March 30. The page also showcased 3 Monster Memories:

SSR rarity: Agito-Dio

Agito-Dio will be available on PAD (Like Dark Radra, Blue Athena and friends), and can be used as leader in PADR. Below are his  skills in PAD Radar , and this may not be the same in PAD main game.

Featuring “Limit-breaking Light damage”!

Active Skill: Slightly increase skyfall of Light and Dark orbs. (Cooldown unknown)

Leader Skill: ATK increase when matching Light/Light/Dark (or Light/Dark/Dark). ATK increase when matching 6+ combos.

The SR rarities

Athena Helios (PADR Leader) and a new Pokemon dragon, Kunpuu are in this set at the SR tier, both can be used as leaders in PAD Radar. Kunpuu as a leader in PADR gives 2x ATK and RCV when matching 3+ attributes.

Following usual pattern these should NOT be transferable to PAD main game.

So what is Agito-Dio?

To be honest, all I know is that Agito-Dio was an event-only challenge monster in PADR. Japanese players (high school or younger) could go to the booth and play against it, during an recent event and win prizes even for participating. I guess now you can bring Agito-Dio home for reals.

Image from last event:

But yep, it’s yet another real life gacha. Let’s see later how it’ll look in PAD main game!