[PADR] Special Dungeon for Solo Mode – Qilin Descended!
Available for 2 weeks on PAD Radar is Qilin Descended, in solo-mode! You can get its Monster Memory to use it as a sub, once you beat the dungeon!
How to find this
In PAD Radar, go to Battle tab Solo Play (1人プレイ)
Special Dungeon (スペシャルダンジョン)
Qilin Descended! (チィリン 降臨!)
Entering the dungeon requires Challenge Tickets.
New Monster Memory

Skill: Full HP recovery. Change top-most row to Water orbs, bottom-most row to Light orbs. (10 turn CD)

Physical / Attacker
Skill: For 2 turns, reduce damage taken by 80%. For 2 turns, randomly lock opponent’s skyfall orbs. (13 turn CD)