[PADR] Valentine’s Special Monster Memories! (Translations added)
More Monster Memories for PAD Radar just before Street Fighters, this time Valentine’s Special!! Should we call them… Sweet Fighters? Translations are here!
Pro players behind Unofficial PADR Twitter regularly releases ratings of the Monster Memories! This batch’s rating will be coming soon on 2/14 (Thu).
Past ratings are available here!
Rating system: S = 9.0 or higher | A = 7 ~ 8.9 | B = 5 ~ 6.9 | C = 5.0 or lower
Monster Memories
These are the only Monster Memories you can find during the event time. Images from Unofficial PADR Twitter.
- Ney 甘美の零龍喚士・ネイ

Sweet Cipher Dragon Caller, Ney
Dragon / Balanced
Active Skill: Randomly spawn 4 Light, Dark, and Heal orbs. Lock Light, Dark, and Heal orbs for self and opponent. (9 max CD)
- Astaroth お菓子作りの魔神・アスタロト
- Kushinadahime 甘味の撫子・クシナダヒメ

Chocolatier Demon Goddess, Astaroth
Devil / Healer
Active Skill: Change Fire, Jammer, and Poison orbs to Wood orbs. Randomly spawn 5 Wood orbs to opponent. (12 max CD)

Sweet Dianthus, Kushinadahime
God / Healer
Active Skill: 80% damage reduction for 1 turn. Change Dark orbs to Light orbs. (10 max CD)
- Sonia 親愛の赤龍喚士・ソニア [NEW]
- Venus バレンタインの慈愛神・ヴィーナス [NEW]

Beloved Red Dragon Caller, Sonia
Dragon / Devil
Active Skill: Change left-most column to Fire orbs. Change right-most column to Dark orbs for self and opponent. (10 max CD)

Valentine Love Deity, Venus
God / Healer
Active Skill: Slightly increase skyfall of Heal orbs for both self and opponent. Shuffle all orbs. (12 max CD)
- Leilan 南方の親愛神・レイラン
- Karin 東方の親愛神・カリン
- Meimei 北方の親愛神・メイメイ
- Sakuya 極光の親愛神・サクヤ
- Haku 西方の親愛神・ハク

South Loving Goddess, Leilan
God / Balanced
Active Skill: Change all orbs to Fire, Wood, and Light orbs. Lock Fire and Light orbs. (9 max CD)

East Loving Goddess, Karin
God / Dragon
Active Skill: Change all orbs to Water, Wood, and Dark orbs. Lock Water and Dark orbs. (9 max CD)

North Loving Goddess, Meimei
God / Healer
Active Skill: Change all orbs to Wood, Light, and Dark orbs. Lock Wood and Dark orbs. (9 max CD)

Aurora Loving Goddess, Sakuya
God / Dragon
Active Skill: Chaneg all orbs to Fire, Water, Wood, and Light orbs. Lock Fire and Light orbs. (8 max CD)

West Loving Goddess, Haku
God / Attacker
Active Skill: Change all orbs to Fire, Water, and Dark orbs. Lock Fire and Dark orbs. (9 max CD)
- Hera-Sowilo バレンタインの王妃・ヘラ・ソエル
- Valentine Chocolate バレンタインチョコレート【四神】
- Carat バレンタインの深蒼姫・カラット [New]
- Facet バレンタインの金剛姫・ファセット [New]
- Sheen バレンタインの金緑姫・シーン [New]
- Divine Chocolate (Suzaku) 神のチョコレート【朱雀】 [New]
- Divine Chocolate (Seiryu) 神のチョコレート【青龍】 [New]
- Divine Chocolate (Genbu) 神のチョコレート【玄武】 [New]
- Divine Chocolate (Kirin) 神のチョコレート【麒麟】 [New]
- Divine Chocolate (Byakko) 神のチョコレート【白虎】 [New]
- Werewolfie スイーツの魔人・ワーウルフィ
- Minotauria 魅了のパティシエール・ミノタウリア [New]
- Pixie バレンタインの妖精・ピクシー [New]