
Qilin Dragon invades return!

Qilin Dragon is back again, in different dungeons!

Qilin Dragon?

Qilin Dragon is a rare invade that is needed (in Gem form) as evolution material for the Assist Evolution of Celestial gods! For details from debut, see here.

Dungeons invading

This time, Qilin Dragon will invade in these dungeons, and also you get 4x Rank EXP!

  • Ultimate Arena 5 (A5, Grotesque Being) 「極限の闘技場【ノーコン】/異形の存在」
  • Alt. Ultimate Arena 3 (AA3) (Alt. Grotesque Being)「裏・極限の闘技場【ノーコン】/裏異形の存在」

100% Drop at hardest Endless Corridors

Each clear of Complete Annihilation Endless Corridors (non-3P version) will reward you one Qilin Dragon Gem!

JP dungeon name: 超壊滅・無限回廊