レアガチャ ~メソポタミアと神焔の龍~

REM Lineup Rotation: Mesopotamians & Dragon with Holy Flame (with rates)

Weekly rotation of Rare Egg Machine lineup! Mesopotamian series return for this week! But why are you rolling this after Godfest anyways?

(I totally forgot about posting since this started after Godfest, and I was too busy with Ranking Dungeon, whoops)

Pickup Monster (Highlights)

Not full lineup, these are just featured ones.

Full lineup & Rates

Lineup and rates up on Skyozora.


★6  1.40% each
★5  1.00% each

Others in REM:


p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>★6    0.65% each
★5    Ex-Godfest exclusives: 0.50% each
         Others: 1.21% each