[Teaser] New Evolutions Coming

We just got a teaser of a new evolution! Will this suggests anything?

[8396]/ Super Flame Knight (Revo)

Active Skill: For 5 turns, increase combo by 1; For 5 turns, reduce enemies’ defense by 100%; Unlock all orbs; Create 3 fire orbs (5 max CD)

Leader Skill: 2.2x HP and ATK when team total rarity is 26 or below; 10x ATK and reduce dmg taken by 50% when matching 5+ connected fire orbs

Since the Flame Knight is getting a animated revo, this could possibly suggests that AMD4 or a new dungeon is coming in the corner!

7 Replies to “[Teaser] New Evolutions Coming”

  1. Im getting a little tired of these plus 5 combo clauses in the actives. Sure this is a great farmable and Im all for new cards. Don’t take this complaint too seriously.. but this card woudlve been way more meta with a 3 turn cd and no 5 combo clause, that makes the cd longer all the way to 5. Honestly meta meta cards have unlock and create 3 fire orbs on 2 cd.

  2. GungHo has really been going low rarity crazy recently with the new chibi cardsl GungHo Collab cards, and now Super Flame Knight at only two stars. Seems like they might be cooking up something in the kitchen to justify a further push to have low rarity teams. Well, as long as GungHo doesn’t think bringing back low rarity restricted dungeons like the original version of Gaia Descended is a good idea, I guess it isn’t a bad thing. Heaven knows, Artorius could use the company.

  3. No. I honestly don’t care if we get Marvel or not. The more you spam though, the more I hope we don’t get Marvel.

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