[Teaser] New series: Shikigami Tsukai & Ayakashi, coming next week!
New original series: Shikigami Tsukai & Ayakashi (式神使いと妖, lit. translation: Spiritual Summoner & Roaming Spirit)! Teased last stream with arts, this time it’s the card info!
Starts on 11/23 (Mon), at 10am JST!
Rest of the card and event info will be released tomorrow! Translations today and featured pic selection are by Karyu.

Attacker / God

Active Skill: For 20 turns, Fire and Water orbs appear more frequently; Change to [6660] for the duration of dungeon (25 max CD)
Leader Skill: All stats x1.5 for Fire and Water attribute; ATK x8 and slightly reduce damage taken when matching Fire and Water orbs

God / Dragon

Active Skill: For 20 turns, Fire and Light orbs appear more frequently; Change to [6663] for the duration of dungeon (25 max CD)
Leader Skill: All stats x1.5 for God and Dragon type; ATK x8 and slightly reduce damage taken when matching 5 connected Fire or Light orbs in L shape

God / Dragon

Active Skill: For 1 turn, no skyfall, For 1 turn, +3 combo; Create 3 Fire, Light and Heal orbs (3 max CD)
Leader Skill: HP x1.5, ATK and RCV x3 for God and Dragon type; ATK x7.5 and reduce 50% damage taken when matching 5 connected Fire or Light orbs in L shape

Devil / Balanced

Active Skill: Change 1 spot to spinner for 3 turns; Change top row to Dark orbs; Lock Dark orbs (6 max CD)
Leader Skill: Orb move time +5 sec; Greatly reduce damage taken when matching 3 or more Dark combo; ATK x20, +2 combo and deals 1 fix damage when matching 2 or more colors
Secret element returns!
Like Sin Dragons & Key Heroes event, there will be hidden features in part of the event dungeons. You will be listed in credits if you’re the first to find the secrets! (If you can be faster than JP players…)
player skill issues are a thing of the past. All the new content, events, and cards seem catered to low skill new players.
ah yes, because spinners and 3 dark combo are so beginner friendly
It really is though. Its one spinner to make it so that newbies can override and avoid having to learn to deal with or use spinners. The active also conveniently locks dark orbs for you. Have you played the Haku story or Haku challenge dungeons? They are as easy as sonia story was.
My experience is exact opposite: before I was so afraid of spinner that I had to carry a full board lock everytime eir rotated to monthly challenge. After one time playing with Remu, even without spinner override, I started praying for spinner spawns to appear in arenas to not having to deal with orb trolls for the rest of the run. I think this kind of leader is a great way to introduce spinner to new players.
When your effective hp is tied to activation and your CD is 25 turns then the condition being easy/not easy is the difference between viable/unviable especially with how badly many spawns can mess with your board and general matching ability (often even in spite of hazard res). I would say something like Amlinea is an exception but she has to be built in a very particular manner to even survive for her transform to come up.
Ult. Colloseum 1st floor: hit for 27604 dmg
Other key heroes: this is easy
me: still trying to transform Amlinea because I cannot tank nor heal enough without killing them
I predict 10 stone REM – top levels are 7-star.
Unless the rest of the ones blow these out of the water, I’ll be passing on this one aside from the packages.