YamaP: One of the Great Witches will be buffed this week!

Now… which witch? And it seems like maybe multiple witch buffs will be revealed instead?

Featured art: Great Witch maids by @pz_raia

Great Witches?

Madoo, Reeche, Zela, Saline, Veroah…

or the transform witches: Remu, Norza, Aljae, Fasca, Nelle?

We’ll find out soon, the week is almost over tomorrow!!

(Btw Twitter is asking for Zela Kitty buff LOL)

Update: YamaP’s survey

YamaP: How many Great Witches buffs (do you think) will be revealed tomorrow?

Stop teasing us omg

Perhaps we’ll see more than 1 Great Witch buff tomorrow?

14 Replies to “YamaP: One of the Great Witches will be buffed this week!”

  1. The post also says “this one hit hard” so I’m thinking it’s a high damage unit (perhaps even something like Planar or Cherun because they have cross leader skills); the comments are saying it might be ZKitty

    1. No, the original message doesn’t say anything about hitting hard. All it said was “the buffed one is sugoi”, which machine translates to hit hard.

        1. I usually see ‘sugoi’ translated to something like ‘awesome’, so he might just be saying whichever witch is buffed is going to be awesome after the buff.

  2. Best girl Zela please! She was the first Great Witch to be released, so hopefully they bring her up to date!

  3. Overall, the biggest benefit would be to buff the base forms of Saline and Veroah For more efficient farming, as that benefits all PAD player whether they have them or not and fulfill a niche that historically has been considerably future proof with extra EXP and drop rates.

    In terms of actual ability, Reeche is likely the original Great Witch that needs the most help, half because her June Bride and GungHo REM counterparts blow her out of the water in the same role, and half because a card like Polowne can now transform and counter Damage/Attribute Absorb before Reeche can even put her shoes on with no Skill Charge rainbow shenanigans required. She just needs a great big hug right now.

  4. I though zela and Veroah already got buffs? But I think Reeche should be cause Dark Reeche already is. I don’t have any of Remu, Norza, Aljae, Fasca, Nelle so I’m OK lol.

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