[YamaPeek] Yay Amberjack, but more farmable buffs coming up!?

Hmm, YamaP teasing us again. This time on farmables!

So we had Amberjack buff that made a lot of people (including YamaP) happy. YamaP says he’s considering the next project – to buff 1 dungeon drop (from old dungeon) a month in the future!

Who will be next? I wonder. *Pulls out a loooong wishlist*

5 Replies to “[YamaPeek] Yay Amberjack, but more farmable buffs coming up!?”

    1. Heck to the yesssss! Make Orb Princess more usable, some 7c Awk and buffs to her leader plss! Nothing to crazy, but I wanna hear the sounds with a reasonable lead.

  1. Buff the old heartbreakers – Gigas, you know… Give them pixels or something like Valk

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