10 Magic Stones Per Roll! Witches All-Star Super Godfest, plus Great Witch buffs!
Buffs for Great Witches and of course Super Godfest arrives! Also with Limited-time Monster Exchanges as usual!
Buffs for Great Witches
YamaP initially suggested only few witches will be buffed, then updated last night to erm… 4 witches, after a public poll. Well, that’s what he said anyways but here they are!
Card | Change |
Great Witch of the Lonely Island, Reeche 絶島の大魔女・リーチェ |
Active Skill: Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Wood, Light, Dark, and Heal orbs; For 2 turns, bypass damage absorb shield and att. absorb shield effects (35 ➧
Great Witch of the Ice Flowers, Reeche 氷華の大魔女・リーチェ |
Great Witch of the Stone Fists, Zela 岩拳の大魔女・ゼラ |
Active Skill: For 1 turn, increase combo count by 2 and greatly reduce damage; Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to Wood and Heal orbs (21 ➧
Great Witch of the Mirrored Hall, Nelle 鏡室の大魔女・ネレ |
Leader Skill: [Board becomes 7×6] 4x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when matching
Great Witch of the Mysterious Beasts, Nelle 謎獣の大魔女・ネレ |
Active Skill: For 1 turn, bypass damage absorb shield effects; Change the far left column to Dark orbs and change the far right column to Heal orbs (6 ➧
Leader Skill: 2x all stats for Balanced type; Increase orb movement time by 2 seconds; 9x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when matching |
Nelle’s Magical Stone Wand, Billios ネレの魔石杖・ビリオス |
Active Skill: For 2 turns, bypass damage and attribute absorb shield effects; Change the far left column to Dark orbs and change the far right column to Heal orbs (22 ➧ 22)
Great Witch of the Dream Beasts, Remu 夢獣の大魔女・レムゥ |
Active Skill: Random 1 orbs change every 1.0s for 1 turn; For 1 turn, increase orb move time by 5 seconds (5 ➧
Leader Skill: 2x HP & ATK for Fire Att.; Reduce damage taken by 25% when 6 or more combos; 10x ATK when matching 6 or more connected Fire orbs; |
About the machine
- Separate machine,
10 Magic Stones per roll.
- All rolls will be Lv. Max, full awakenings, +297, and skill level max!
- Skill level up dungeon available!
Full lineup & Rates
Cottons (★7) | 0.3% each, 1.5% total
Fest Exclusives (★7) | 1.5% each, 37.5% total
Pantheons (★7) | 1.53% each, 61.2% total
Limited-Time Monster Exchange
Found under Monster Exchange Event are limited-time exchanges during Godfest!
Desired Card & Exchange Requirements | |
[5739] Latent TAMADRA (Extra Slot) 潜在たまドラ☆枠解放 ▼ Trade 2 cards in. |
[3191] Event Medal – Rainbow イベントメダル【虹】 ▼ Trade 1 cards in. |
[3191] Event Medal – Rainbow イベントメダル【虹】 ▼ Trade 1 cards in. |
Misc.: Just for laughs…
The one “buff” some wished for was a Reeche chest size buff. Here’s a sorta relavent fanart that I’ve quite enjoyed:
“Witch with oppai”. Reeche. 2 pics by @atakyoury_next
Why would anyone want an oppai buff? Flat is justice!!!
Also, I like the Nere buff, makes her better for those non 7×6 3p dungeons.
Is it bad that I was 200% sure you will comment on it Tony? Haha
It’s because you understand me better than most people. I have two Flat is Justice shirts I got online a couple years back and my daki are flat chested waifus as well. I’m a 30 something year old weeb/chef. Lol
Not bad but not too interesting buffs imo