3 New evolutions for the Fest Exclusive, Miada!
Besides the surprised Fagan new uvo, Miada is also getting new uvo soon as mentioned from the most recent JP stream, not 2, but 3!
How to evolve
- Both are evolved from Ice Queen, Miada
- New evolutions will require Gold Crystal Ice Queen, Miada’s Gem, Purple Crystal Ice Queen, Miada’s Gem and Red Crystal Ice Queen, Miada‘s Gem.
- They will all be dropped in Day of the Week Arena in the future, news TBA!
New evolutions

God / Healer / Physical

Active Skill: For 2 turns, no skyfall; Fully recovers unmatchable, bind and awoken bind status (7 max CD)
Leader Skill: Reduce dmg taken by 65% when matching 7+ connected orbs; 20x ATK and +2 combo when 3+ colors attack at once

Devil / Physical / Attacker

Active Skill: For 1 turn, no skyfall; Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to fire, water, wood, dark and heart orbs (4 max CD)
Leader Skill: [12 sec move time] 2.2x all stats for Dark att.; 9x ATK, slightly reduce dmg taken and +3 combo when 3+ colors attack at once

God / Healer / Attacker

Active Skill: Switch position with Leader, use again to switch back; For 1 turn, 1.5x RCV and orb move time; For 1 turn; 1.5x ATK for Fire att. (19 max CD)
Leader Skill: 1.6x all stats for God and Healer type; 18x ATK and reduce dmg taken by 50% when 10+ combo
Purple Crystal Ice Queen, Miada’s leader skill looks like it affects dark attribute units, not devil types
They’re fixed, ty
Whhhhhy I trade 2 dupes of her in Q_Q
Ty, it’s now fixed. Probably was thinking of her devil type and typed that in instead
Oops replied the wrong one
farm shura. make rank 1k. you have a chance to get her.
Wait…the red Uvo is a actually good leader with leader switch!? But also it’s not great when you can’t use active skill.
I was thinking the same.. good leader swap
good luck getting 9 dark orbs for a VDP with Diada when you use her non rainbow active skill. I guess you can use something like Sakura, Derod, or Sacred Relic exchangable to fix the board on a low enough cooldown that you’d be using the active skill that turn anyways.
Welcome to Yamastein’s laboratory where 3 different evo materials are created instead of one Miada evo material for the purpose of making it even more grindy to get the RNG drop you want from an already RNG invade in a dungeon only available once a week that will have its invade cycled out every now and then. In this lab we also ignore the meta and out as many of the newest unproven awakening on all the cards that do nothing different from the 7c that we can already hit the damage cap with except confirm there is no chance the card will be used on non rainbow teams in the mono and bi color meta we are in.
Fire Miada is the reason why we can’t use gungho (chibi) cards as subs. You lose an active skill slot because you have confirmed a second leaderswap back to the original leader on a high cooldown. If their was an equip with that skill it would be awesome. I’m sure people will assist Fire Miada to get leaderswaps (which is a game mechanic that end game dungeons punish so hard that it discourages players from using it), but the actual fire miada as a sub is dead on arrival just like 85% of the jujuistu collab.
They’re ok. I’d like to see Cotton see relevance again with some reincarnation evos though.
Cecillia should have been a cotton revo. GFE pool is too big.
I’m personally disappointed at her new artwork… her parfait is much smaller now. I get that she might be actively eating it, but have you seen how sad Miada looks when she runs out of ice cream? Look at her base form and you’ll get a pretty good idea.
its ok daddy. one of the little ball toys has a sunday for her when she finishes her first treat
I’m glad they kept Miada’s skin white even for her dark ult.
man, it would be so cool if BatRem and Justice league came back… maybe even power rangers