8 Magic Stones Per Roll! Great Witch All-Star Super Godfest!
8 stones, all witches. How good/bad will the rates be?! Limited-time Monster Exchanges returns as well!
About the machine
- Separate machine,
8 Magic Stones per roll.
- All rolls will be Lv. Max, full awakenings, and +297!
- Skill level up dungeon available!
Full lineup & Rates
Fest Exclusives (★7) | 1.5% each, 25.5% total
Samurai 3 Series (★7) | 1.5% each, 7.5% total
Neys (★7) | 0.3% each, 1.5% total
Story Dungeon Main Characters (★6) | 2% each, 4% total
Pantheons (★7) | 1.37% each, 61.65% total
Limited-Time Monster Exchange
Found under Monster Exchange Event are limited-time exchanges during Godfest!
Desired Card & Exchange Requirements | |
[5739] Latent TAMADRA (Extra Slot) 潜在たまドラ☆枠解放 ▼ Trade 2 cards in. |
[3191] Event Medal – Rainbow イベントメダル【虹】 ▼ Trade 1 cards in. |
* One Exchange Only |
[3191] Event Medal – Rainbow イベントメダル【虹】 ▼ Trade 1 cards in. |
* One Exchange Only |
Can exchange these Revo for base form
You can also exchange select Reincarnated evolutions of Fest Exclusives back to base form!
Desired Card & Exchange Requirements | |
[365] Awoken Deity Odin 覚醒秘神・オーディン ▼ Trade 1 cards in. |
[1108] Awoken Phantom God, Odin 覚醒幻神・オーディン ▼ Trade 1 cards in. |
[914] Eternal Jade Dragon Caller, Sonia 悠久の緑龍喚士・ソニア ▼ Trade 1 cards in. |
[1089] Endless Blue Dragon Caller, Sonia 永劫の青龍喚士・ソニア ▼ Trade 1 cards in. |
Why do they include the samurai series lol
Odin you’re not a witch…silly Norse god.
So with this Godfest…Is it still possible that the rumored “Fire Witch” will be announced during the stream?
If they announce her, it’ll be kinda sour since the Godfest comes before the stream, and there won’t be any way to get her since she isn’t part of this line up.
I’m guessing just a teaser for the Fire Witch at most, if it’s even true in the first placee
Generally no. If they announce a new Fest exclusive, he/she/it is featured in a godfest. Just remember they want it to be hyped up too. I don’t know where this rumor started, but at least don’t expect it for another 2 weeks if it even is true, haha.
(Recall how Veroah came later than the rest of the witches too)
Samurai 3 is a letdown. Already have dupes and they can’t be used as trade fodder. Might have to skip.
Just something funny: the website link to this page says it is a 10 magic stone.
Oh, I never fixed that whoops
typo with Neys, it currently reads eys
Perfectly reflects how I feel about them (haha), lemme fix now!