[YamaTalk] YamaP: Another collab buff coming in this month, with NA server receiving a collab!
Hmmmmmm. Wait what are we on now in NA server?
YamaP says
YamaP: This time JP server will also gets buff as the North America server is getting a collab soon, details will be out soon on official Twitter (Murako)!
As mentioned before, JP will get buffs with NA’s collab run like how buffs happened with Demon Slayer collab. Perhaps it’s Fate or Samurai Shodown rerun?
Time to check Version History to see what NA server will get next…
— 山本大介 (@DaikeYamamoto) June 9, 2021
I hope it’s Marvel Collab. I remember that one of the ranking dungeon featuring a card (or assist) from Marvel Collab and it would be strange if NA doesn’t get the Collab.
I don’t think ranking dungeons feature collab cards unless they are part of the actual collab duration
I don’t think ranking dungeons feature collab cards unless they’re part of the collab duration itself, because that just makes licensing more complex.
from the wording it could technically be any collab that NA and the world has gotten right? It doesn’t say NA is getting a collab late and we get buffs worldwide.
It could be something like MHA, Dragon Ball (lol), or Yu Yu Hakusho… even Shinra Bansho is on the table.
I REALLY hope it’s Marvel, but it could also be something like My Hero Academia.
They’d rerun MHA in JP first before giving other servers a run and buff them, given that it’s been almost a year. They wouldn’t buff them to catch them up with current meta but not make them available to the JP server.
I wouldn’t be surprised if we didn’t get Marvel. I’m not a Marvel fan so I don’t really care about the collab, and would probably just trade for something that would work well with my current teams. I’m guessing it’ll be either Fate or SamSho. We’re getting the return of Sacred Relic or whatever it’s called like next week I think. But I don’t think that classifies as a collab.
I’m not the biggest marvel fan either, however the cards there are quite meta defnining. And even the assist are wonderous for PAD’s gameplay
I hear ya, but content can still be cleared without em if we don’t get it. If we get it then we do, if not then its all good either way.
One of the main differences between NA and JP pad is that because if the 2-3 month delay, NA players are used to optimally planning out stone uses and trans for new dungeons either beforehand or following a guide from JP.
For example, when Hexazazeon released and there was the questline for evolving him I had already preped ever material I would need to finish it. I also often know to not waste stones on events because I am aware of better events coming after it.
Every time NA doesnt get something JP gets its means NA players have ti think for themselves. Thats why so many NA players struggled with Shura 1 and the same thing is going to happen with Shura 3 since many guides for it rely on Marvel subs and equips. NA is gonna get so many posts on reddit of babies crying about the lack of marvel making shura 3 impossible and we will just laugh at them on discord.
Dude, I 100% agree with ya. Look at how many people raged over the lack of the Mickey collab. There’s plenty of ways to beat these dungeons without specific monsters. Too many people though, like you said have to think for themselves and they fail. Lol.
I dont always save stones though since I work and dont really spend money on much other than bills, food, firearm parts/ammo, my dog, coffee and this game so I’m fine with whaling in order to make whatever team I think up lol.
When will we gonna get Secret Of Mana or Breath Of Fire Collaboration? Imagine Ryu have all form of dragons
Personally, I’d be happy with Breath of Fire just coming back in any form or capacity. Capcom just kind of made Breath of Fire 6 as a pay to win mobile, game, then promptly put it out of its misery a year later due to an utterly abysmal reception. The sad part was that was 14 years after the last game in the series came out, so they basically dug it out of the ground just so they could kill the franchise all over again. Then again, Capcom has done weirder things with PAD, there was a Dragons Dogma collab after all and outside of the recent Netflix animation, Capcom basically threw that intellectual property under a bus as well for the better part of last decade.
A Seiken Densetsu collab has always been a dream collab for me with PAD, in particular with Trials of Mana since the original Seiken Densetsu III is a game very near and dear to my heart (That and to this day, I’m a huge fan of Riesz). The recent remake did far better than they expected too, but strangely enough, SquareEnix didn’t seem all that interested in milking that cash cow. Fortunately, they at least did go on to remaster Legend of Mana, so that franchise is at least getting a second wind in recent times. Trials or Mana even had a mini collaboration with Super Smash Brothers Ultimate and Secret of Mana had a collab with Merc Storia way back in the day, so the possibility isn’t completely off the table for them.
I dunno. Do they usually announce upcoming NA collabs via Twitter like this? Maybe I’m overreacting to something innocuous, but I feel like this means a NA-exclusive collab is coming soon.
Perhaps all those cards added in the Crows x Worst reruns are going to be reworked into something for us to use, since that collab is absolutely guaranteed to never hit NA due to Voltron already cannibalizing it. I’d be a little less happy about Disney or MHA getting converted into a collab for a more NA-friendly IP, utility be damned, since it would mean we’d never get those characters even if the licensing block were later removed.
Or maybe I’m just reading too much into this and he’s just saying we’re getting a known collab after all.
My take is that if JP server will get a buff, it has to be an existing collab and not an NA exclusive collab. Let NA surprise us though!
we are all excited and hyped over here in NA because of this announcement being different.
Just got off the celly with YamaP. Confirmed to me that its BatRem Returns NA only event but buffs are gonna be WW

thus this tweet.
It appears that NA just got the data download containing the buffs and evolutions for the return of the Fate/Stay Night. Wasn’t officially announced at the time of this post, but you should notice the difference with all the cards now having Assist Evolutions.
No guarantee if this is the NA collab YamaP specifically was referring to, but given the signs, it seems reasonably probable.