The Empty IDs in PAD

| Mar. 12, 2020 | 713 views |   2    
, also helped!

Let’s talk about some interesting PAD things – This time, the missing IDs that bug all collectors.

With now over 6000 IDs used, there are actually some cards that not only didn’t make it to North America server, but also never to Japan server. In fact, they just never happened. In very few cases, the unknown cards are released – Best example is Fama , whose ID is in the 3000 range, and was released in 2019.

Here are some IDs that remain empty to this date! For all the IDs, I will include some cards before and after the missing IDs.

The older numbers

1340, 1341

A bunch of Japanese PAD sites (such as AppBank) also wondered for ages, but no one has any ideas. The IDs before are Indian 2 gods, and the IDs immediately after are the unrelated Fagans. it’s likely a card with regular evolution, but that’s all we can say for this.

1708: Navi TAMADRA

This one is a bit more known, Navi Tamadra was created for rogue-type dungeons (like Myr), which would level up with monsters as you beat dungeons, and can be used for fusion. This was shown on stream once, but never made it to the game. You probably recognize the artwork as it’s exactly the same as Gold Tamadra , which was originally named Extra Latent Slot TAMADRA (to expand Latent slot from 5 to 6, requiring +297).


4 mystery slots… Were there supposed to be more Tamadra?

2573: King PreDRA

Back when Europe server exist, sometimes we get random information about things we wouldn’t find elsewhere. [2573] was one of them, where the placeholder “King PreDRA” by Upc and BetaTester in early 2016 (mentioned in Upc’s post on PAD Forum).

No artwork or official information was ever released.

The more recent ones

Some of these are empty now, but perhaps over time they will be filled. Who knows. :3

5641: Lina Inverse, missing evolution

Pretty confident to say that is a Lina Inverse from Fujimi Fantasia Bunko Legend collab. Perhaps there was supposed to be a Reincarnated Evolution or Transform form, which we’ve been getting a lot of lately? We may know the answer if the collab returns.

5847, 5848


Likely more pixel evolutions?

5932, 5933

Some unannounced evolutions? 😀

RIP to the earlier empty slots, but perhaps the newer ones will be filled this year? We shall see!

2 Replies to “The Empty IDs in PAD”

  1. Natti occasionally brings this up in his PAD videos (and probably is the only content creator who gives a damn) but I haven’t watched his vids in a long while to add anything interesting to this topic

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