The Musical Return of Counterattack

| May. 29, 2019 | 4,402 views |   4    
also helped!

Since the arrival of the Draconic Orchestra series, there has been a lotta talk on one of the Golds, Lotta Lotta and her counterattack!

Counterattack is nothing new – Many older cards have it, though it’s not used much anymore. When a counterattack active is used, you deal damage to the enemy that attacked you, based on the damage dealt by enemy and counterattack multiplier. Way back in the days before Follow-up attack existed, this was one of the ways to beat Zeus & Hera Descended!

Below are some recent counterattack examples for comparison, to see why Lotta Lotta is in the spotlight at the moment:

Icon Card
Counterattack multiplier
(of their corresponding att.)
Reincarnated Anubis 5x
Reincarnated Archdemons except Lucifer 5x
Ichiro Miyata
Magazine Collab
Final Fantasy Collab, 5th run
(Buffed from 10x)
Lotta Lotta  100x 

100x Counterattack, in action

Some Japanese players noticed the 100x counterattack, and tested Lotta Lotta in dungeons. Since her counterattack is so strong, some dungeons become half automated! Here are some notable examples!

Half Automated Tuesday Dungeon

Since there is preemptive attack every stage, you literally just automate the first 5 floors of Keeper of Gold. Even @Neo_COOH said this himself: “what is this?”

Daks also posted a complete version of a dungeon run, ending with a Zeus-Dios swipe.

Beating Ninegaruda

Another example from GameWith, getting through Ninegaruda easily, even with locked orbs.

[New] July Quest – Challenge Lv9 (Japan)

That is September Quest for North America server! How to clear a lotta floors with Lotta Lotta’s 100x counterattack (provided you have enough HP to survive)!

Random fun stuff

All of us behind PDX cannot stop laughing that putting the Base and Uvo forms of Lotta Lotta together can (sort of) be an animation.

Also, she does resemble Lakshmi a bit…

Also, a cute counterattack meme.


To be honest, I do wanna roll one of her. However, whether this will be widely applied in farming teams, or enough to justify for 10 Magic Stones — I’m not certain. It’s really cool though!

(But it’d be cooler if the series had voice awakening, with their instrument playing. Please make it happen GungHo!)

P.S.: Also let me know if you like these kind of series – While I may suck at writing reviews, at least I can compile information like these ones!

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