[Misc.] Small Changes on PAD Official Site

Some slight changes to the homepage was made. We all wonder what it means too.

The small change

Usually on the official homepage of PAD, we’re greeted with the main events and latest news. The page that shows the newest evolution is found there too, though GungHo only updates it once in two months with only icons (lol). This week it’s moved!

Before… and now gone.

The link to the page has been moved to the footer of the site, displacing the Monster Point store lineup button that used to be there. The MP lineup page can no longer be found on the main page. Hmm.

Here’s the footer, before this change.

Before. Bye bye MP lineup..?

Is it hinting on some upcoming changes? Or simply a site renewal (again)? I have no good answer for this. It’s certainly a curious change from GungHo… Let’s not jump to conclusions too fast though!

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