[Misc.] TAMADRA Appearing in Yo-Kai Watch World – Collab Maybe Returning Soon?

TAMADRA was available in Yo-Kai Watch World (which is a GungHo game)! Purely speculation at the moment, but since collabs go both ways… perhaps we’ll see Yo-Kai Watch World collab returning sometime soon?

(Or maybe we’ll have to wait as long as we have waited for the mythical DMC collab?)

Anyways though – Let’s wait until Friday to see if we’re getting another collab, or Valentine’s gacha news!


2 Replies to “[Misc.] TAMADRA Appearing in Yo-Kai Watch World – Collab Maybe Returning Soon?”

    1. Probably not going to happen, considering there is already a seasonal version of each of the witches, and that it would be difficult to really place what they would be like in the uncovered areas. Unlike Yog, the witches are a series that are all GFEs, and each one of them has one seasonal. We will get some new additions I am sure, or at least one of a nine star; however, I would not expect any repeat witches. We might see one of the new witches in Valentine’s, and the other in PAD Academy, seeing as that would round out one Great Witch per seasonal. We also might see a new orb skin, given Kamen Rider got a second, and there are still pantheons, even though all the original ones have them now. We could also see a orb skin that is more themed to its seasonal, or that features festive versions of cards somehow. Other than that, we can expect buffs for some of the Valentine’s cards, and an ult for Valentine’s Sonia, unless they actually give it to Valentine’s Ney. I would also expect a Monster Exchange card of some kind, even if it is just making the Box available for exchange with the different chocolates. I am hoping there will be a new one though.

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