My Hero Academia – Mid Collab Buffs

Since a lot of people were reflecting on the problem that Tokoyami had on the vdp spawn, the officials decided to make changes along with some tiny buffs to it!


Card Change

Hellflame, Endeavor
+ 27030 ATK

Brain of the League of Villains, All For One
For 15 turns, change self dmg cap value to 7,000,000,000 8,000,000,000; For 15 turns, dark orbs appear more frequently by 15%; Transform to [8731] for the rest of the dungeon
Dark Shadow, Fumikage Tokoyami Active: For 1 turn, change self dmg cap value to 8,000,000,000 8,500,000,000; Unlock all orbs; Create a 3×3 block of dark orbs (spawn location changed from bottom left to top left of the board)

4 Replies to “My Hero Academia – Mid Collab Buffs”

    1. From my understanding, Tokoyami originally spawned 3×3 on the bottom left board. This apparently had problems on 5×4 boards and would only spawn a 2×3 pattern which is an incredibly deadly situation to be in for his team given his LS. The fix was to move the 3×3 spawn to the top left corner, which should in theory prevent the above problem.

        1. My pleasure! Ah! As a bit of a self correction though, turns out Tokoyami actually is able to activate his LS with only 6+ connected Dark Orbs, but since his Awoken Skills are almost exclusively VDP based, he’d still largely be dead in the water without a full 3×3. The pattern he used to generate on a 5×4 board before the fix was also 3×2 (three wide, two tall), rather than 2×3.

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