New Evolutions and Buffs for GFEs

It’s almost easter time. Lavril and some selected GFEs are receiving buffs and new evolutions!

New Evolution

[9934]/ Rabbit Goddess of Good Luck, Lavril (Uvo)
Healer / Physical / God

Active Skill: [1] Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to all att. and heart orbs; Charge allies’ active by 2 turns; Evolve skill to stage [2] (20 max CD)
[2] For 1 turn, change board size to 7×6; Fully recovers unmatchable, bind and awoken bind status (6 max CD)

Leader Skill: 26x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 75% and deals 10,000,000 fix dmg when 5 colors attack; Voids poison dmg

[9832] Mega Awoken Scarlet Sun God, Aten’s Necklace (Assist evo)

Active Skill: Unlock all orbs; Create 3 all att., heart, jammer and poison orbs (2 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

[9833] Mega Awoken Cerulean Sun God, Aten’s Earring (Assist evo)

Active Skill: For 5 turns, reduce dmg taken by 35%; For 3 turns, 5x ATK for self (5 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

[9834] Mega Awoken Emerald Sun God, Aten’s Brooch (Assist evo)

Active Skill: For 7 turns, +0.2x ATK for each Combo Enhance and 4-Color ATK Enhance awakening in team (12 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

[9835] Mega Awoken Dark Sun God, Aten’s Bracelet (Assist evo)

Active Skill: Unlock all orbs; For 2 turns, 1.5x RCV; For 2 turns, 1.5x ATK for self (2 max CD)

Leader Skill: None


Card Change

Alexander the Commander
+400 HP, +600 ATK, +70 RCV
Change all orbs to all att. and heart orbs; For 2 turns, 1.5x 2x RCV and orb move time; Transform to
22x 32x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 25% 30%, +1 combo and deals 6,000,000 fix dmg when 5 colors attack; 3x 3.5x HP for God type

Alexander the Conqueror
Added  3rd att.
+400 HP, +600 ATK, +70 RCV
Change all orbs to all att. and heart orbs; For 2 turns, 1.5x 2x ATK for all subs and God type; Transform to
22x 32x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 25% 30%, +1 combo and deals 6,000,000 fix dmg when 5 colors attack; 3x 3.5x HP for God type

Rabbit God of Fertility, Lavril
Added  3rd att.
+2000 HP, +800 ATK, +100 RCV
For 4 turns, reduce dmg taken by 35%; For 4 turns, +0.15x ATK for each  5-Color ATK Enhance awakening in team
8x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 35% and +3 combo when 5 colors attack; 3x 4x ATK, RCV and reduce dmg taken by 60% when 10+ combo

Sun Easter Egg
Max CD 14 > 12

Frog Easter Egg
Max CD 13 > 12

Tree Easter Egg
For 9 turns, reduce dmg taken by 35%; For 1 turn, increase combo by 6

Star Easter Egg
Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to all att. and heart orbs; For 3 turns, 5x RCV; For 3 turns, 5x ATK for Leader and Helper all team members (Max CD 15 > 13)

Snake Easter Egg
Max CD 15 > 13

Mega Awoken Sunset God, Aten
+100 HP, +400 ATK, +40 RCV
Increase LB stats
Max CD 5 > 3
[7×6 board] 1.5x HP and 2x ATK 3x HP and ATK for God type; ATK and RCV increase when 3+ colors attack, to the max 5x ATK and RCV

Mega Awoken Scarlet Sun God, Aten
Increase LB stats
[7×6 board] 4x ATK and RCV for Devil type; 4x ATK and reduce dmg taken by 50% 70% when 5 colors attack

Mega Awoken Scarlet Sun God, Aten
Increase LB stats
For 3 5 turns, reduce dmg taken by 35%; For 3 turns, 5x ATK for self
5x ATK and reduce dmg taken by 60% 65% when 5 colors attack; 5x 6x ATK and reduce dmg taken by 30% when 10+ combo

Mega Awoken Scarlet Sun God, Aten
Increase LB stats
For 7 turns, +0.2x ATK for each :misc_comboboost: Combo Enhance and :4cob: 4-Color ATK Enhance awakening in team
[7×6 board] 1.5x 2.5x HP for Balanced type; 13x 18x ATK and reduce dmg taken by 35% when 4+ colors attack

Mega Awoken Scarlet Sun God, Aten
Increase LB stats
Unlock all orbs; For 1 2 turns, 1.5x RCV; For 1 2 turns, 1.5x ATK for self
[10 sec move time] 24x 30x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 70% 75% and +2 +4 combo when 5 color + heart attack

12 Replies to “New Evolutions and Buffs for GFEs”

  1. Iskandar looks garbo. Still no rcv, have to work around weird att changes, only +1c, requires all 5, and no unlock. GH really hates male characters

    1. I like the part where Alexander suddenly becomes one of the best Assists in the game the second he’s kicked out from his own artwork.

      1. I’m actually put two at assist in NA work better then light Ra dragon and dark Ra dragon!!! Except the damage. But the active are better.

        1. not that anon but I use alex eq on wood teams for the long delay + rainbow oe. its super good on Berte or Matur, or Kirikuhime to make sure all 3 players can get their active skills setup turn 1 in the gear step dumgeon

    2. How? If you make sure your Alexander and the friend one are in different forms then you should have both active skill buffs up constantly which means you have 2x rcv, the no unlock I agree is dumb

        1. I used team with 4x all state and have damage shield active with a equipment increase team Hp and still die.

          1. Iskandar with 2 leads only gives that 2x rcv every other turn. unless you are running selica or some other percent healer you aren’t going to last the attrition. Late game dungeons are designed around forcing players to buy the best stuff and play according to specific checklists and get lucky with encounters and skyfall. don’t feel bad that you aren’t build-autism’ing your way through the game. Its more fun to just play leads you enjoy with subs that you can jerk to the artwork of.

  2. 🙏 to anoobis that Roytilus gets buffed tommorow. Its the artist’s birthday and all of us who will roll him, if NA gets the free bot, will be very sad to have rolled hik if he doesnt get buffed.

  3. The new L compression doesnt help that it only buffs that att of damage. NautilOak still has rcv issues too. The buff doesnt do enough. Its nice that the buff opens up an awakening slot on subs like Oak and Vione but a lot os going to matter on what gets put in those freed up slots not and we recently had Orchaestra so we have to wait a year for this buff to apply. How fast is gungho goin to be about compressing everyone’s awakenings? And thorns shouldnt have been added as an awakening. It only means its going to he more present and the only thing its good for is pvp

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