[Update: Eir’s SA!] New Pixel Evolutions for Eir and Aten!
Updated 6/18: Super Awakenings for Eir shown, and new Active Skill cooldown!
As promised from the last official stream, Pixel Eir and Pixel Aten will be added to the game! Time for some card details!
Translated by fether today!
All new evolution from this batch
Pixel Aten
From official Twitter.
- Monster Exchange will be available for exchanging [3334] Revo Aten to base form, if needed.
Pixel Eir
From official Twitter. Mostly likely an evo from current form?

God / Healer

Active Skill: (10 6 max CD)
Reduce binds and awoken skill binds by 5 turns; Change the top row to Heal orbs
Leader Skill:
2x HP & ATK if all subs are Pixel Evolution. 8x ATK, slightly reduce damage taken and increase combo count by 1 when matching 2 or more Heal combos.
The base stats because the new screenshot doesn’t show it, ugh
Note on Eir’s Active Skill
Updated to 6 turns cooldown max (previously 10 turns)
Max cooldown (turns at skill level max) for Eir
‘s Active Skill will be adjusted! (Same applies to Pixel since same active skill)
ドットエイルの実装時に、エイルのスキル最大レベル(最短スキルターン)に調整入る予定なのでお楽しみに〜😊 https://t.co/z9uxdhGXor
— 山本大介 (@DaikeYamamoto) June 16, 2020
Wish they made her a Devil. V x Yugi teams could really use a healer
yea… not devi balanced I think they did that on purpose too. There is so few little. I literally have my Saline with heal latents on to help out my yugi herme team. She is the highest rcv balanced devil card. Ironically alot of the lights are the highest rcv of the devils. NY ilmnia comes to mind also has being a high rcv devil. Alas these cards are not prime heal sticks as they don’t have the enhance healing awokes. However the devil cards that do have that are far and few inbetween and not very good to begin with. Persephone comes to mind but I don’t think she is unbindable or lacks the SDR or other things. And then there is like the one GFE card I don’t have that they don’t give out anymore. Neuman or something. They are a water GFE healing devil card. Guess I will never be getting that card at this point since I don’t ever see myself rolling the regular REM again.
trade 2 <50% for FUAs that you might not even use one? No thanks
Trading <50%s on a card with terrible ATK for better SAs and 99,999 damage SFUA seems like an easy clap for most teams when it comes to endgame content. Eir shouldn’t be the one making a difference between killing things and not.
You might be the only person using Eir for damage.
The new Super Awakening version picture for Eir is a good update, but has the minor issue of being taken when the +297 bonuses were up on the screen, so her base stats are now missing from the post. : P
Yeah, I didn’t wanna fit 2 pics in there lol. I was gonna wait till data, but I can slide it in.
(Blame YamaP for that screenshot)