[Non-JP news] HK/TW Server gets Demon Slayer Collab

Today is the release of the Demon Slayer movie in Hong Kong (Taiwan got the movie 2 weeks ago), and then the collab is now on Hong Kong / Taiwan (HK/TW) server of PAD!!

Collab will be on PAD HK/TW server during 11/13 (Fri) 9am ~ 11/27 (Fri) 8:59am, HK/TW time (1 hour behind JST).
[ Event link (Facebook) ]

Wait, so NA/KR servers too?

Short answer: Maybe. Or maybe not.

As in traditions for collabs in PAD – Seeing the collab in HK/TW means increased chance for collab to reach overseas, BUT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE COLLAB TO COME.

(So be smart and don’t start yelling if NA doesn’t get the collab. There are always unknown factors that are not public knowledge, that even I wouldn’t know.)

Either way, non-zero chance to see Demon Slayer on Korea and North America servers now!

Some more thoughts

Most collabs arrive along with real life events (for promotion purposes). Japan and HK/TW got the collab along with movie release, so if NA follows suit it’d be with NA’s movie release, which would be…. early 2021.

No set date announced as far as I know. It could easily mean March 2021 even, likely depending on how the pandemic goes.

Anyways – It’s positive news but don’t be overly optimistic about it. As a NA main myself, I do want the collab to be available too, but I’ll patiently wait and see!

11 Replies to “[Non-JP news] HK/TW Server gets Demon Slayer Collab”

  1. Meanwhile it’s 2023 in North America….”I wonder if we’re ever going to get the Demon Slayer collab…”

    1. With how this pandemic is trending, it’s gonna be interesting to see if the movie will even play in theatres in early 2021 for NA…. let alone the collab. 🙁 I really really really hope for the collab to hit NA though.

      1. I’ve been a real Debbie downer since Mickey and MHA. I’m hoping too, but I’m not the most optimistic anymore. I spend more time watching Sue and Daks play than I do actually playing these days. JP is just far more exciting. Oh well, at least the server is still alive. Could always be worse.

  2. hopeful that Demon Slayer Collab reaches to the NA Server. Muzan would be a nice addition for devil dark rainbow teams. it is almost an mirror image to Valentine Ideal. Most of the high rarity cards would be impactful to the game and would cause new team composition to appear.

    1. Everything is good in Demon Slayer until you roll a train-ful of Enmu. 😀 I’m also hoping the collab it comes too!

      (P.S: I did 85 rolls or so and still missing two 7-stars…)

  3. upvoted cotton comment. Hopefully like you said this means increased chance for NA. Don’t say dont yell if NA doesn’t get it though. NA will yell wiether Hong Kong got it or not.

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