[PADR] New Special Dungeon for Solo Mode – Gran Reverse Descended!!
Next up after Nidhogg descended in PADR is Gran Revese Descended, in solo-mode of PAD Radar! You can get her Monster Memory to use it as a sub, once you beat the dungeon!
How to find this
In PAD Radar, go to Battle tab Solo Play (1人プレイ)
Special Dungeon (スペシャルダンジョン)
Gran Reveese Descended! (グラン=リバース 降臨!)
This requires Challenge Tickets by the way.
New Monster Memory

Dusking Dragon Caller, Sonia Gran Reverse
Skill: For 2 turns, 2x orb movement time. For 2 turns, 2x ATK for Dragon type. (12 turn CD)