REM Lineup Rotation: Mystics & Spectres Series!

Weekly rotation of Rare Egg Machine lineup that is happening tomorrow, featuring rerun of Mystics & Spectres for a week!

Pickup Monster (Highlights)

Not full lineup, these are just featured ones. Event page is here!

Seina, Ryumei, and Mikage are at 1.5% rate each.

Full lineup & Rates

 Mystics & Spectres (★7)  | 1.5% each, 4.5% total

 Mystics & Spectres (★6)  | 4.5% each, 18% total

 Mystics & Spectres  (★5)  | 6.88% each, 27.52% total

 Featured: Celestials (★5)  | 2.5% each, 12.5% total

 Samurai 3 Series (★7)  | 0.21% each, 1.05% total

 Three Kingdoms 2 Series (★6)  | 0.49% each, 2.45% total

 Ex-Fest Exclusives (★5)  | 0.35% each, 2.45% total

 Pantheons etc. (★5)  | 0.9% each, 31.5% total

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