[Now confirmed!!] Jujutsu Kaisen Collab Coming Soon

One reputable Japanese website mentioned that Jujutsu Kaisen (呪術廻戦) x PAD collab was mentioned on the latest volume of Shonen Jump.

This isn’t verified yet (since that Shonen Jump is released next Monday, on 7/12), so take this “leaked news” with a grain of salt.

Update: Now confirmed from Shonen Jump issue page leak, from @rrrr_893. No date mentioned on this page (just says “soon”) but we will update if known.

Also it is Fullmetal Alchemist 20th anniversary too so… yeah… lots of possibilities for collabs.

We should find out the news during upcoming PAD stream on 7/12 (Mon) since there will be collab news. There is also a Fullmetal Alchemist stream for the series’ 20th anniversary on 7/12, actually. Stay tuned!

8 Replies to “[Now confirmed!!] Jujutsu Kaisen Collab Coming Soon”

  1. I saw some talk on pazusoku of people saying it might be love live because they start a season on the 11th. we already got fate, monogatori, and sword art online which has all the waifu stuff but things like fate have enough action that I dont feel like I am watching an HVN anime.

  2. Do you think this new Collab could make it to NA if it is confirmed for JP?

    1. you can bring the JP server to NA by downloading it. It does ruin the NA server in ways. If you grind event medals or the super grindy ones like key heroes then you arent gonna care to do it again 2-4 months later on NA

    2. How about just waiting? Nobody on here can give you a definite answer. They can make a guess based on previous collabs by the same license holders, but at the end of the day those are still just guesses (and do nothing but raise your hopes, probably all for naught.)

    1. My IRL friend mentioned that we haven’t really missed out on an anime collab aside from MHA in recent history, so he thinks we’ll probably get it.

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