True end of DadGuide & Miru Bot, and what it means to the site

DadGuide will be gone. And so is Miru Bot. And here’s the side effect on the site.

Background information: TR’s Post

Post link here. Tl;dr: DadGuide taken down as GungHo’s lawyer go after it, meaning Miru Bot (PAD bot for Discord) also gone as both run on the same resource. Both are the backbone of our site as well.

DadGuide and Miru Bot end of life announcement from PuzzleAndDragons

Cate’s summary on damage

Following up on the take down on Dadguide, this will affect a lot of things such as:

  • Discord news channel (JP_news_translated) as Miru Bot going down will mean that there is no more message broadcasting to other Discord servers
  • Blog also relies heavily on DadGuide data for news posting and so much is automated that this might cease blog altogether
  • Other sources such as dropdata
  • and many other Miru Bot related features

So… what will happen to the site?

Most of us developers (PDX, Ilmina, and of course us here) are good friends with each other. It really sucks for this to happen, especially we know how much time and effort each of us puts in. For instance, every Friday (or when an announcement happens), I spend 4-5 hours on making one collab/seasonal post. I can’t imagine the time spent on maintaining and developing Miru Bot and DadGuide, which is far more complex than what I do.

Now it’s no secret that the site relies on data from DadGuide/Miru Bot for select data, including the just-revived guerrilla times, the deadly lists of Godfest full lineups (god I don’t wanna type them manually again), Monster Exchange lists, and new card stats. The loss of DadGuide means some of those functionalities of site might be gone.

I have been thinking for the past 6 hours whether it’s better to stop the blog all together, or continue while crippled. Is it worth, really?

My ultimate decision is to keep going on what I do – Having 70% of the site running is better than 0%. I will do what I can on this end of things, even without some automation. Some stuff may take longer than usual to post, so… please be patient.

Let’s fight together.

23 Replies to “True end of DadGuide & Miru Bot, and what it means to the site”

  1. I‘m so sorry to hear that ;_;
    Regardless, I‘m really grateful that you guys keep on going with the blog (even though it means way more work to do from now on). As a former EU server player (RIP) your blog is one of the main reasons why I can keep on playing on JP server despite my almost non-existing JP language skills (Google Translate isn‘t helping either :P). Thank you for that :3

  2. Remi, we are with you! Ive been visiting your site for more than 3 years and am so grateful. You do what you gotta do and know that we are by your side on whatever you decision is. Thank you so much for everything until now!

  3. Well, if we can’t see roll % and line ups, with time to plan or not at all, it’s really going to effect gunghos revenue. Even I will be foreseeable spending less money just realistically. Not even to bash gungho, but like your literally stripping the game wth?!

    1. I can see why they wanna do this – to scare away people who would do something similar, or more. On the other hand, I do think there’s less extreme ways for this. Legally they are right, but there certainly are better ways in handling it and is not winning trust from fans.

      Back to the main point – roll % and lineups should be fine. I may have some workaround…

  4. Boycott next Remu godfest? Likly tmrw? I have been considering just hoarding my stones for the bears anyway. What if NA just didn’t roll in remu debut?

    1. I don’t think Gung-ho cares about Magic Stone hoarding. The biggest impact would probably to cancel PAD Pass, to stop purchasing, and to stop playing. (Unfortunately, we all have a crippling addiction so we can’t do the last one.)

  5. Thank you for continuing to run the site, Reni! This is an essential resource for me (I play on JP and NA) and I couldn’t imagine trying to figure out the JP events without this site.

  6. I visit your site everyday, been playing for some time now and it’s nice to see translated updates and news to a game i still play all the time. Thank you for your efforts.

  7. Thank you for keeping it going for the community。 Although it is going to be a lot more work and perhaps even harder now that your backend resource is gone.. you have our gratitude. Alot of us rely heavily on your site as well as Dadguide. i know eventually you might get sick of doing things manually, but before you reach that stage (hopefully you dont’ ) have you or other dev reached out to GH to appeal?

  8. Damn, but that sucks. I only fairly recently discovered this site (I’ve been using PDX for ages, though), but I really appreciate how easy to navigate it is, and how well it tracks ongoing events. Hopefully something can be worked out in the near-future with regards to getting players the data they need to enjoy the game, without you having to do everything manually.

  9. i love you guys like i love acting and other things so thank you so much for your hard work

  10. Sounds like we need to point out all the similar JP websites and help GH recognize just how much copywrite infringement us going on within their own borders.

  11. Thanks for all the hard work from you and everyone enabling this content. You’ve been a truly invaluable resource to the community and we appreciate everyone’s hard work.

    So disappointing that GH chooses to cut off the nose to spite the face. They will be costing themselves significant revenue just from me. The optics of their overly harsh response will cost them significantly. They either don’t understand the importance to the NA community or are so arrogant they don’t realize how bad they’ll do without it.

  12. Very disappointing to see these resources being taken down by Gungho. Really appreciate all the hard work that goes into this site and Dadguide/Miru bot! Even if this blog doesn’t have the same level of detail as it had in the past, it’s still really valuable to have news and event summaries posted on one dedicated site!

  13. Given how much of a pain in the butt you’ve expressed typing out the extended buff lists on some returning collabs to be, I can’t imagine having to manually type out all the new card information as well. I definitely wouldn’t blame you if future articles were a lot more terse. Thanks for your great work so far!

  14. You have my immense gratitude for deciding to keep the blog running, this site has been my go to ever since pad guide and bakadata stopped updating. Your work on this site is invaluable in my years of pad puzzling. Once again, thank you so much for maintaining and running this blog.

  15. I am so pissed at GungHo over this. They have had years to build our similar functionality but have done nothing. Paying them for so little support was one thing, but attacking the community that does their work for them? It’s just stupid. If NA isn’t worth their time, then they aren’t worth my money.

  16. Hi Reni, and Tactical_retreat (if he’s here)

    Since the codes are open source would it still be possible to develop dadguide for private use? I might consider paying for the development and monthly cost, pad.protic can still use the tools, to “comply” with GH, perhaps we could just release info when it is live and not before.

    Please let me know should you be interested.

  17. When this blog first came, i was surprised to see JP news being translated after they are posted and this made me happy to have a chance to play the game again (like a motivation).
    The manner that its organized, the helpful articles that helps players have a better understanding of the content written, i cant describe in words the quality and love put onto here.
    If these words help: Thank you Reni and team for everything done in these years, without this blog, i dont think i would still Pad to this day. 🙂

  18. You don’t hear it often enough, but Thanks to all of you at PadProtic for your hard work to keep us up to date with news and info that helps us out.

  19. Its really difficult to play this game without resource sites like padx and dadguide to help you prepare for dungeons. Without them going in blind will result in a bunch if dumb losses from preempts and not having that one active skill you meed or bringing 1 fujin active when you need more than that. In really gonna be having a hard time playing this game. I don’t have the time to try and fail a dungeon a bunch of times to learn to play it. The stamina system is so punishing.

  20. I’m a little late to the party but this looks like the post or thread to express my appreciation to everyone who volunteers to share information about PAD with the rest of the community, and sacrificing your personal time and resources to do so for all of us who find it so invaluable. I would guess and hope that it’s something you enjoy doing and find rewarding, but it should never be a thankless task.

    [grumble] I held off the grumble to ensure my THANKS! would be deemed sincere. So now I grumble that I hope the suits at the next company you VOLUNTEER to support and promote are much more appreciative of all your efforts!!

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