[YamaTalk] YamaP: Split evo for Wood Menoa, coming soon

Feedback listened!

Featured image: Cropped from art by @ponponpopoponmi

New Menoa’s card stats can be found here!

Good news.

YamaP said he got many feedback after stream, saying they want previous version of Green Menoa ‘s active due to ranking dungeon issues (animation time increases with the buff). Hence a new split evo for GMenoa with the older skill and new art will be available at a later time.

Since it’s an evolution that is used in ranking dungeon, the new evo will be single attribute (sub att. only)!

Recall: The buff

Or really nerf as the animation time of the skill increases with the buff. (Thanks Karyu)

Magical Machinist of the Sacred City, Menoa


Active Skill: For 1 turn, 3x RCV and 3x ATK for Wood att.; Create 15 Wood and Heal orbs over any orbs (19 ➧ 14)

Leader Skill: Reduce damage taken by 35% 50% when matching Wood and Heal; Increase combo by 2 when matching 3 or more connected Wood and Heal orbs at once; 16x 18x ATK and deal 1 additional fixed damage when matching 6 or more connected Wood orbs; 1 additional damage when matching 9 or more Wood orbs

7 Replies to “[YamaTalk] YamaP: Split evo for Wood Menoa, coming soon”

  1. JP server really loves their ranking dungeons. Either I’m getting really old or its a regional thing.

    1. Regional is probably a big reason… More actual competitions in person does help, and generally more competitive server makes a difference I guess.

    1. If you actually saw the JP comments, many of them are legit requests/concerns and not whining though. When YamaP was actually angry one time, a lot of them even apologized to him. I can’t ever imagine most non-JP community doing that.

      NA Facebook and Subreddit… I’ll hold my opinion back, lol.

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